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发布时间:2020-12-16 02:53:14 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:How do I set headers before letting breeze make a request? Example: my service expects a certain key to be part of the request in a header name ‘x-service-key’. Till now,I was using jquery ajax and amplify,so pretty easy to set up the he

How do I set headers before letting breeze make a request?

Example: my service expects a certain key to be part of the request in
a header name ‘x-service-key’. Till now,I was using jquery ajax and
amplify,so pretty easy to set up the header. Since I don’t have any
control over the request that breeze is making,how do I pass extra
stuff like headers?

这个问题是由sujesharukil在我们的IdeaBlade论坛上发布的.我在这里重新提出问题和答案,因为我认为它对Breeze Stack Overflow社区有用.


从Breeze 0.70.1开始,我们现在支持完全自定义或替换breeze客户端与服务器上的Web服务之间的任何Ajax通信的能力.



var ajaxImpl = breeze.config.getAdapterInstance("ajax");
 ajaxImpl.defaultSettings = {
       headers: { 
           // any CORS or other headers that you want to specify.
           "X-Test-Header": "foo2" 


var ajaxImpl = breeze.config.getAdapterInstance("ajax");
 ajaxImpl.defaultSettings = {
       beforeSend: function(jqXHR,settings) {
              // examine the jqXHR or settings and customize the headers accordingly.


