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c# – 如何在Silverlight中的附加依赖项属性上设置TypeConverter

发布时间:2020-12-15 07:40:01 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我的目标是能够在XAML中编写: Grid Rectangle Fill="AliceBlue" myCore:MyTimePanel.BeginningDate="03/03/2010" //Grid 问题: Silverlight XAML无法从字符串中解析DateTime.所以在运行时我有XamlParseException“无法从该字符串创建DateTime”. 当我使用
    <Rectangle Fill="AliceBlue"

Silverlight XAML无法从字符串中解析DateTime.所以在运行时我有XamlParseException“无法从该字符串创建DateTime”.

当我使用一个简单的DependencyProperty时,我只需在getter / setter上添加一个TypeConverterAttribute即可.像这样(来自here的想法):

public DateTime MyDate
    get { return (DateTime)GetValue(MyDateProperty); }
    set { SetValue(MyDateProperty,value); }

但是使用附加的DP,没有getter / setter.如何才能在XAML中编写字符串日期?

谢谢 !


但附加属性有一个Get访问器 – 你试过 putting the type converter on the Get accessor吗?


3 . You can attribute a type-level TypeConverter on the type that serves as the value type. This enables string conversion of all values of the type. For more information,see TypeConverters and XAML.

4 . You can attribute a property-level TypeConverter on the Get accessor method. This enables string conversion of the attached property. Applying TypeConverterAttribute to the Get accessor method rather than the Set accessor method may seem nonintuitive,but that is where XAML processors expect to find the type conversion information (if any) for an attached property. For more information,see TypeConverters and XAML.


