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Digital Scene mode /数码相机的场景模式

发布时间:2020-12-15 06:59:04 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:英文来自 http://www.digicamhelp.com/camera-features/shooting-modes/scene-modes/ 中文来自 http://dict.youdao.com/w/%E5%9C%BA%E6%99%AF%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F/#q%3Dbk%253A%25E5%259C%25BA%25E6%2599%25AF%25E6%25A8%25A1%25E5%25BC%258F%26keyfrom%3Dwik

英文来自 http://www.digicamhelp.com/camera-features/shooting-modes/scene-modes/

中文来自 http://dict.youdao.com/w/%E5%9C%BA%E6%99%AF%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F/#q%3Dbk%253A%25E5%259C%25BA%25E6%2599%25AF%25E6%25A8%25A1%25E5%25BC%258F%26keyfrom%3Dwiki.related%26le%3Deng




Digital cameras offer a variety of useful modes that are optimized for specific scenes and photographic conditions. Scene modes are preprogrammed by the manufacturer to automatically give the best exposure and settings for each scene.

When selected,a scene mode?can often give better results?than shooting in a standard full automatic mode. Some digital cameras have an Intelligent Auto mode that analyzes the type of scene and shooting conditions you’re photographing and then automatically selects the scene mode.

Type of scene modes

Backlight – eliminates dark shadows when light is coming from behind a subject,or when the subject is in the shade. The built-in flash automatically fires to “fill in” the shadows.

Beach/Snow – photograph beach,snow and sunlit water scenes. Exposure and white balance are set to help prevent the scene from becoming washed out looking.

Fireworks – shutter speed and exposure are set for shooting fireworks; pre-focusing & use of tripod recommended.

Landscape – take photos of wide scenes. Camera automatically focuses on a distant object. [Landscape photography]

Macro – take close-up shots of small objects,flowers and insects. Lens can be moved closer to the subject than in other modes. Hold the camera steady or use a tripod.

Night Portrait – take photos of a subject against a night scene. The built-in flash and red-eye reduction are enabled; shutter-speeds are low. Use of tripod recommended.

Night Scene – photograph nightscapes. Preprogrammed to use slow shutter speeds. Use of tripod recommended.

Party – take photos in a dim lit room; exposure and shutter speed are automatically adjusted for room brightness. Captures indoor background lighting or candlelight. Hold the camera very steady when using this mode.

Portrait – main subject is clearly focused and the background is out of focus (has less depth of field). Best when taking shots outside during the day. Shoot using a mid to long telephoto lens,stand close to your subject within the recommended camera range. When possible,select an uncomplicated background that is far from the subject. [Portrait photography]

Sports (also called Kids & Pets)- take photos of a fast moving subject; fast shutter speeds “freeze” the action. Best when taking photos bright light; pre-focusing recommended. [Sports and Action photography]

Sunset – take photos of sunsets and sunrises; helps keep the deep hues in the scene.

Aquarium – selects ISO,white balance and color balance to photograph fish and other items in an indoor aquarium.

Foliage - photographs autumn,garden and similar scenes in vivid colors




场景模式 百科内容来自于互动百科


??? 一般而言,数码相机内预先调节好光圈、快门、焦距、测光方式及闪光灯等参数值,以便于那些经验不足的用户拍出有一定质量保证的数码相片。不过用现有的模式也未必能拍出高质量的照片。相当一部份朋友使用的是数码相机的AUTO(自动)模式,而在特定的拍摄环境中,其相片质量当然难以保障。因此为了更加方便初级用户的使用,数码相机厂商在数码相机内加入了数种场景模式,这样就更加方便拍出高质量的照片。目前,数码相机内的场景模式少则有四、五种,多则有二三十种。





??? 风景模式:拍摄风景名胜时,数码相机会把光圈调到最小以增加景深,另外对焦也变成无限远,使相片获得最清晰的效果。

??? 人像模式:用来拍摄人物相片,如证件照。数码相机会把光圈调到最大,做出浅景深的效果。而有些相机还会使用能够表现更强肤色效果的色调、对比度或柔化效果进行拍摄,以突出人像主体。

??? 夜景模式:夜景模式一般有两种,前者使用1/10秒左右的快门进行拍摄,从而有可能导致曝光不足。而后者则使用数秒长的快门曝光时间,以保证相片充分曝光,相片画面也会比较亮。上述两种都使用较小的光圈进行拍摄,同时闪光灯也会关闭。

??? 夜景人像模式:在夜景中拍摄人物(如逛灯会),数码相机通常会使用数秒至1/10秒左右的快门拍摄远处的风景,并使用闪光灯照亮前景的人物主体,闪光灯通常会在快闪关闭前被触发。

??? 动态模式(运动模式):用来拍摄高速移动的物体,数码相机会把快门速度调到较快(1/500秒),或提高ISO感光值。

??? 微距模式:用来拍摄细微的目标如花卉、昆虫等等,数码相机会使用“微距”焦距,并关闭闪光灯。

??? 逆光模式:在一些背光的环境下使用,即主体的背后有较强的光线。相机会采用重点测光以增强曝光的准确性、并增加EV值以避免主体过暗,有些相机还会使用闪光灯进行补光。

??? 全景模式:拍摄超宽幅度的画面(如山脉、大海)时,数码相机会在每张相片后留出多余位置,帮助摄影者连续拍摄多张风景相片,再组成一张超宽的风景照。


