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SWF load SWF 找不到外观

发布时间:2020-12-15 06:48:31 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:断在 SkinnableComponent中? throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components","skinNotFound",[this]))); 1.为子SWF添加-keep-all-type-selectors选项,会增加子swf大小,没有用到的样式外观中的内嵌的资源也会编译进去。 这个方法是大部分网上看到

断在 SkinnableComponent中? throw(new Error(resourceManager.getString("components","skinNotFound",[this])));



2. 这里还提到使用ModuleManager而不是Loader也可以。 http://forums.adobe.com/thread/483614?

I have built module and application inside Flash Builder by select Project -> Build Project. Not use command line or other task before.

Here is my last result and i will use one of them:

Using ModuleManager:

???? Remove all except default -locale en_US at Additional Compiler Arguments at Properties of Project -> Build and Run OK.

Using Loader:

???? Add to Additional Compiler Arguments: -keep-all-type-selectors=true

???? Change Flex Builder Path -> Library Path -> Runtime share library(RSL)

???? - Build and run OK

???? (Using this way,flash builder auto generate some rsl file(swf),but the size of app and module? are smaller than).

Manty thank Flex haRui and Darrell Loverin for your helps.

context.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain;
loader.load(new URLRequest("***.swf"),context);



