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Introducing Starling by Thibault Imbert

发布时间:2020-12-15 06:46:20 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:I am excited to introduce today a new project we have been working on,called "Starling". So what is it ? Starling?is a 2D framework for game development developed in collaboration with the Austrian company Gamua (already behind the?Sparrow

I am excited to introduce today a new project we have been working on,called "Starling". So what is it ?

Starling?is a 2D framework for game development developed in collaboration with the Austrian company Gamua (already behind the?Sparrow-Framework?on iOS),running on top of Stage3D (Molehill). It allows developers to leverage the power of the GPU without diving into the low-level details of the Stage3D APIs (available in Flash Player 11 and Adobe AIR 3). I am convinced that most of Flash developers will love this initiative,as most developers would like to leverage the GPU while reusing concepts like an event model,a display list,movieclips,sprites,etc.

Most of you,who had a look at the?Stage3D APIs?understand that this can be complex sometimes. So instead of writing 60 lines of code to draw a textured quad.

You will write the following :

01. // create a Texture object out of an embedded bitmap
02. var?texture:Texture = Texture.fromBitmap (?new?embeddedBitmap() );
03. ?
04. // create an Image object our of the Texture
05. image:Image =?Image(texture);
06. ?
07. // set the properties
08. image.pivotX =?50;
09. image.pivotY =?;
10. image.x =?30011. image.y =?15012. image.rotation = Math.PI/413. 14. // display it
15. addChild(image);

Quite nice hu ?

Of course,as a little obligatory test,find below a bunch of things (yes,sausages!) moving around :


Click for demo.

Here is below another demo using?Starling plugged with?Box2D?(for physics) :

Starling and Box2D

Click for demo.

Then,you have complete rendering of the your physics scene on the GPU.

Then of course particles! :

Starling Particles

Click for demo (press right key for starting the particles and change).

Below a more concret example including MovieClip (through spritesheet) :

Sausage Kong

Click for demo.

If you want to learn more about Starling,check the little book (Introducing Starling - 110 pages) I wrote about it,you can download it from the link below,it covers many concepts to get started with Starling :

Starling Book

click to download (Introducing Starling - rev 1.2.2).

Check the official?Starling website?to download it and share your content with the Starling community.

I hope you will like it!


