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发布时间:2020-12-15 06:30:36 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:Which tag will active DoABC to run In as3 swf file,all actionscript byte(ABC) data is been defined by tag? DoABC. By the way,there is another tag to define ABC data:DoABCDefine. DoABCDefine’s tag is 72. Back to the question: Which tag wil

Which tag will active DoABC to run

In as3 swf file,all actionscript byte(ABC) data is been defined by tag? DoABC. By the way,there is another tag to define ABC data:DoABCDefine. DoABCDefine’s tag is 72.
Back to the question: Which tag will active DoABC to run? After my test,I find the tag ShowFrame will trigger DoABC to run. After DoABC been executed,the all classes,variables,function are all been added to AVM(Actionscript Virtual Machine).


gameswf?(pronounced?"game swiff") is an open source Public Domain library for parsing and rendering SWF movies,using 3D hardware APIs for rendering. It is designed to be used as a UI library for computer and console games.

It is written in C++,and compiles under Windows,Mac OSX and Linux,using GCC and MSVC. It includes code for rendering with OpenGL. The rendering module is factored out so that you can port to other APIs.

It is currently being maintained as a semi-autonomous part of my personal tu-testbed project on SourceForge.

The biggest benefit of using SWF as a file format for game UIs is the availability of high quality authoring tools (like Macromedia Flash MX) and the large number of talented designers who have expertise with these tools. The SWF format is not perfectly suited for game UIs,but it's not bad,and my hope is that?gameswf?will help improve the quality of game UIs while reducing the effort that goes into making them.

FreeType库是一个完全免费(开源)的、高质量的且可移植的字体引擎,它提供统一的接口来访问多种字体格式文件,包括TrueType,OpenType,Type1,CID,CFF,Windows FON/FNT,X11 PCF等。支持单色位图、反走样位图的渲染。FreeType库是高度模块化的程序库,虽然它是使用ANSI C开发,但是采用面向对象的思想,因此,FreeType的用户可以灵活地对它进行裁剪。

lib3d 是一个用于读取3ds格式三维模型的标准类库




