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c# – 在Windows应用程序中是否有像SESSION这样的东西?

发布时间:2020-12-15 05:40:48 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:在 Windows应用程序中有类似SESSION的东西吗?我希望存储一些值,以便在表单之间保持持久性. 例如:第一个表单有一些复选框,第三个表单相应地处理它们.所以我需要将复选的复选框存储在某处. 解决方法 您只能通过此表单的属性公开CheckBoxes Checked状态,您可
在 Windows应用程序中有类似SESSION的东西吗?我希望存储一些值,以便在表单之间保持持久性.



您只能通过此表单的属性公开CheckBoxes Checked状态,您可以在其中放置CheckBox,并从第三个或Process表单访问这些属性.
public partial class MainForm : Form {
    // We assume we have let's say three CheckBoxes named chkFirst,chkSecond and chkThird
    public bool IsFirstChecked { get { return chkFirst.Checked; } }
    public bool IsSecondChecked { get { return chkSecond.Checked; } }
    public bool IsThirdChecked { get { return chkThird.Checked; } }

    // Calling this form from where these checked states will be processed...
    // Let's suppose we have to click a button to launch the process,for instance...
    private void btnLaunchProcess(object sender,EventArgs e) {
        ProcessForm f = new ProcessForm();
        f.Parent = this;
        if (DialogResult.OK == f.ShowDialog()) {
            // Process accordingly if desired,otherwise let it blank...

public partial class ProcessForm : Form {
    // Accessing the checked state of CheckBoxes
    private void Process() {
        if ((this.Parent as MainForm).FirstChecked)
            // Process according to first CheckBox.Checked state.
        else if ((this.Parent as MainForm).SecondChecked)
            // Process according to second CheckBox.Checked state.
        else if ((this.Parent as MainForm).ThirdChecked)
            // Process according to third CheckBox.Checked state.


Web和WinForm编程之间的最大区别是Web是无状态的. SESSION和VIEWSTATE是允许保留值的变通方法.



