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发布时间:2020-12-15 05:15:03 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:If you work with LCDS or BlazeDS and are about to configure a second web application inside the same EAR,then you might see an error like this when the application starts up: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: MessageBroker already define
If you work with LCDS or BlazeDS and are about to configure a second web application inside the same EAR,then you might see an error like this when the application starts up:
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: MessageBroker already defined from MessageBrokerServlet with init parameter messageBrokerId = '__default__'

The above declaration is the default,and when both servlets are initialized,both are given a default identifier of '__default__'.



2)<flex:message-broker services-config-path="classpath*:services-config.xml">
3)<bean id="_messageBroker" class="org.springframework.flex.core.MessageBrokerFactoryBean" >
?? ?<property name="servicesConfigPath" value="classpath*:services-config.xml" />

??? <flex:mapping pattern="/messagebroker/*" />
??? <flex:config-processor ref="myConfigProcessor" />
??? <flex:exception-translator ref="myExceptionTranslator"/>
??? <flex:message-interceptor ref="myMessageInterceptor"/>
??? flex:remoting-service default-adapter-id="hibernate-object" default-channels="my-amf,my-secure-amf"/>


1)<bean id="productService" class="flex.samples.product.ProductServiceImpl" > ?? ?<flex:remoting-destination /> </bean> 2)<bean id="product" class="org.springframework.flex.remoting.RemotingDestinationExporter"> ??? <property name="messageBroker" ref="_messageBroker"/> ??? <property name="service" ref="productService"/> ??? <property name="destinationId" value="productService"/> ??? <property name="includeMethods" value="read,update"/> ??? <property name="excludeMethods" value="create,delete"/> ??? <property name="channels" value="my-amf,my-secure-amf"/> </bean> ?? ? package com.example; import org.springframework.flex.config.MessageBrokerConfigProcessor; import flex.messaging.MessageBroker; import flex.messaging.services.RemotingService; public class MyDestinationCountingConfigProcessor implements MessageBrokerConfigProcessor { ?? ?public MessageBroker processAfterStartup(MessageBroker broker) { ?? ??? ?RemotingService remotingService = ?? ??? ??? ?(RemotingService) broker.getServiceByType(RemotingService.class.getName()); ?? ??? ?if (remotingService.isStarted()) { ?? ??? ??? ?System.out.println("The Remoting Service has been started with " ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?+remotingService.getDestinations().size()+" Destinations."); ?? ??? ?} ?? ??? ?return broker; ?? ?} ?? ?public MessageBroker processBeforeStartup(MessageBroker broker) { ?? ??? ?return broker; ?? ?} }


