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发布时间:2020-12-15 04:26:16 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:Child elements specifying default property value must be contiguous 分析:FlashBuilder4的MXML文件上,不能把fx:Script.../fx:Script标签放在其它标签中间,如: ? ? s:Button label="aaa"/ ? ? ? fx:Script ? ? ? ? ? ![CDATA[? ? ? ? ? ? ? protected
Child elements specifying default property value must be contiguous

? ? <s:Button label="aaa"/> ?
? ? <fx:Script> ?
? ? ? ? <![CDATA[?
? ? ? ? ? ? protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void ?
? ? ? ? ? ? { ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? txt.text ="的确很有flash的风范啊,难怪给改叫FlashBuilder";?
? ? ? ? ? ? }?
? ? ? ? ]]> ?
? ? </fx:Script>?
? ? <org:FormPanel id="a1" isClickable="true" isClose="false" layout="vertical" > ?
? ? ? ? <s:Button label="HAHA" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/> ?
? ? ? ? <mx:Label id="txt" text="速度好像快了很多啊" x="3" y="26"/> ?
? ? </org:FormPanel> ?

ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch Expected 0,got 1.

?I received this error when an event handler I created did not contain an expected parameter. Somehow the compiler missed it but an error was thrown in the browser. The fix was easy. I forgot to add in the event object. Adding that in fixed the problem.

? ? ? ? ? import flash.events.MouseEvent;
? ? ? ? directorySearch_txt.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT,directoryFocusOut);?
????????? // this line generated no errors in flex but generated errors at run time?
????????? public function directoryFocusOut():void {?
?????????????? // do something????
????????? }?
????????? // adding the event object cleared the error?
????????? public function directoryFocusOut( event:FocusEvent):void {? ?????????????? // do something???? ????????? } ?


