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c# – 同时调用相同对象的多个线程.它会引起问题吗?

发布时间:2020-12-15 04:21:16 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:假设我有以下C#类 class MyClass{ private int _i; private object _locker = new object(); public void DoSomething() { var b = 2; // some work that depends on b being 2 lock(_locker) { _i = 3; } // some more work b = -1; // some more work }}
class MyClass
    private int _i;
    private object _locker = new object();

    public void DoSomething()
        var b = 2;

        // some work that depends on b being 2

            _i = 3;

        // some more work

        b = -1;

        // some more work



var myobject = new MyClass();
new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => myobject.DoSomething())).Start();
new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => myobject.DoSomething())).Start();


Thread 1 is halfway through its work.
Thread 2 just starts. Sets b = 2. 
Thread 1 sets b = -1. 
Thread 2 is confused because it expected b to be 2 but its -1.




Wikipedia for thread local storage的这一部分也适用于C#线程:

In other words,data in a static or global variable is normally always located at the same memory location,when referred to by threads from the same process. Variables on the stack however are local to threads,because each thread has its own stack,residing in a different memory location.


