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发布时间:2020-12-15 04:19:29 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:Flexigrid系列使用教程(三)增加外部查询 ?????? Flexigrid有内置的内部查询功能,但是很多时候需要将查询条件放到flexigrid控件的外面使用,本文实现的效果如下所示: ? ? ?????? 问题所在:本人在调试时使用flexigrid的flexReload方法,但是在提交时不知

?????? Flexigrid有内置的内部查询功能,但是很多时候需要将查询条件放到flexigrid控件的外面使用,本文实现的效果如下所示:


?????? 问题所在:本人在调试时使用flexigrid的flexReload方法,但是在提交时不知道为啥flexigrid自动刷新了两次,第一次刷新按自己 设置的条件查询成功,但是紧接着就是第二次刷新使flexigrid又重新加载了一次,导致没有得到想要的查询结果,最后使用session暂时解决了这 个问题,使用session记录了第一次刷新的查询条件,第二次刷新时自动加载session里面保存的条件。(有知道如何解决这个问题的朋友告诉一下 QQ:346933996)


一、? 前台页面代码

???<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/QyKwstu.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<IEnumerable<Kwstu.Model.TALENT_BASEINFO>>" %>


<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

??? <script type="text/javascript">

??????? $(document).ready(function () {

??????????? //按回车键实现按tab键的效果,方便录入查询条件

??????????? $('#PONAME').focus();

??????????? var $inp = $('input:text');

??????????? $inp.bind('keydown',function (e) {

??????????????? var key = e.which;

??????????????? if (key == 13) {

??????????????????? $('#requery').click();

??????????????????? e.preventDefault();

??????????????????? var nxtIdx = $inp.index(this) + 1;

??????????????????? $(":input:text:eq(" + nxtIdx + ")").focus();

??????????????? }

??????????? });

??????????? //全屏浏览查询结果

??????????? function toolbarItem_onclick(cmd,pid) {

??????????????? var Height = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 60;

??????????????? var Width = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 40;

??????????????? if (cmd == "FullScreen") {

??????????????????? JqueryDialog.Open('简历查询结果浏览','../FindTalent/FullScreen',Width,Height);

??????????????? }

??????????????? else if (cmd == "Delete") {

??????????????????? alert("cmd Delete is excuted");

??????????????? }

??????????? }

??????????? //重新定义表格大小

??????????? $(window).resize(function () {

??????????????? var w = $("#content_right").width() - 5;

??????????????? var gh = $("#content_right").height() - 86;


??????????????? $("#grdProList").flexResize(w,gh);


??????????? });

??????????? //时间关系查询暂时用这个(主要方法)

??????????? $("#requery").click(function () { doquery() });

??????????? function doquery() {

??????????????? var PONAME = $("#PONAME").val();

??????????????? var JOBTYPE1 = $("#JOBTYPE1X").val();

??????????????? params = { 'PONAME': PONAME,'JOBTYPE1X': JOBTYPE1 };

??????????????? $.post(

??????? "/FindTalent/GetByPositionFindFlex",

??????? params,

??????? function () { $('#grdProList').flexReload(); }

??? );

??????????? }


??????????? var maiheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;

??????????? var w = $("#content_right").width() - 20;

??????????? var gh = $("#content_right").height() - 86;

??????????? $("#grdProList").flexigrid

????????? ({

????????????? url: '/FindTalent/GetByPositionFindFlex',

????????????? dataType: 'json',

????????????? colModel: [

?????????????????? { display: '序号',name: '',sortable: true,width: 20,align: 'center' },

?????????????????? { display: '用户姓名',name: 'REALNAME',width: 60,

?????????????????? { display: '性',name: 'SEX',width: 25,

?????????????????? { display: '年龄',name: 'AGE',

?????????????????? { display: '最高学历',name: 'TOPESTEDU',width: 43,

?????????????????? { display: '最后访问时间',name: 'LASTVT',width: 110,align: 'center' }

?????????????? ???],

????????????? buttons: [

????????????????? { name: 'FullScreen',displayname: "<span style=color:red;font-weight:bold>点ì?击??全屏查看搜索结果</span>",bclass: 'Add',onpress: toolbarItem_onclick }

????????????????? ],

????????????? ShowToggleCol: true,

????????????? singleSelect: true,

????????????? sortname: 'LASTVT',

????????????? sortorder: 'DESC',

????????????? usepager: true,

????????????? striped: true,

????????????? resizable: true,

????????????? title: '人才简历列表',

????????????? useRp: true,

????????????? rp: 20,

????????????? rpOptions: [10,20,40,100],

????????????? showTableToggleBtn: true,

????????????? showcheckbox: false,

????????????? width: w,

????????????? height: gh,

????????????? pagestat: '显示 {from} 到 {to},共2 {total} 条',

????????????? procmsg: '请等待数据正在加载中…',

????????????? nomsg: '没有数据',

????????????? onError: '查询出错,请刷新'

????????? });

??????? });???????????????????

??? </script>

??? <div class="right_title" id="baseinfo">

??????? 请输入查询条件</div>

??? <div id="baseinfo_content" class="right_table">

??????? <div class="right_table_td" style="width: 200px">

??????????? <div class="editor-label" style="width: 100px">

??????????????? 应聘岗位</div>

??????????? <div class="editor-field" style="width: 100px">

??????????????? <%=Html.TextBox("PONAME")%></div>

??????? </div>

??????? <div class="right_table_td" style="width: 200px">

??????????? <div class="editor-label" style="width: 100px">

??????????????? 职位类别1:</div>

??????????? <div class="editor-field" style="width: 100px">

??????????????? <%=Html.TextBox("JOBTYPE1X")%></div>

??????? </div>

??? </div>

??? <table id="grdProList" style="display: none;">

??? </table>


<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="title" runat="server">


<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentLeft" runat="server">


<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="topmenu" runat="server">

??? <input type="submit" id="requery" value="执行查询" class="button" />

??? <img src="../../Content/Images/new.gif" />


<asp:Content ID="Content5" ContentPlaceHolderID="bottemmenu" runat="server">


二、? 后台处理代码

????? ??public ActionResult ByPositionFindTalent()

??????? {

??????????? Session["QUERRY"] = " and CVVISIBLE ='是o?' and 1=1 and LASTVT is not null ";

??????????? return View();

??????? }

??????? public String GetByPositionFindFlex()

??????? {

??????????? int page = 1;

??????????? if (HttpContext.Request.Form["page"] != null)

??????????? {

??????????????? page = int.Parse(HttpContext.Request.Form["page"].ToString());

??????????? }

??????????? int rp = 1;

??????????? if (HttpContext.Request.Form["rp"] != null)

??????????? {

??????????????? rp = int.Parse(HttpContext.Request.Form["rp"].ToString());

??????????? }

??????????? string sortname = "";

??????????? if (HttpContext.Request.Form["sortname"] != null)

??????????? {

??????????????? sortname = HttpContext.Request.Form["sortname"].ToString();

??????????? }

??????????? //自定义搜索条件(关键实现部分)

??????????? string define = "";

??????????? string logic = "and";

??????????? string tmp1 = HttpContext.Request.Form["PONAME"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Request.Form["PONAME"];

??????????? string tmp2 = HttpContext.Request.Form["JOBTYPE1X"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Request.Form["JOBTYPE1X"];


??????????? define = (define == "" ? (tmp1 == "" ? "" : (" PONAME like '%" + tmp1 + "%' or JOBTYPE1 like '%" + tmp1 + "%'")) : (tmp1 == "" ? define : (define + " " + logic + "? PONAME like '%" + tmp1 + "%' or JOBTYPE1 like '%"+tmp1+"%'")));

??????????? define = (define == "" ? (tmp2 == "" ? "" : (" JOBTYPE1 like '%" + tmp2 + "%' or PONAME like '%" + tmp2 + "%'")) : (tmp2 == "" ? define : (define + " " + logic + " JOBTYPE1 like '%" + tmp2 + "%' or PONAME like '%" + tmp2 + "%'")));


??????????? if (define != "")

?????????????? ?Session["define"] = " and (" + define + ")";

??????????? string whereCondition = " and CVVISIBLE ='是' and 1=1 and LASTVT is not null ";

??????????? if (Session["define"] != null)

??????????? {

??????????????? whereCondition += (Session["define"] == null ? "" : Session["define"].ToString());

??????????? }

??????????? string sortorder = "";

??????????? if (HttpContext.Request.Form["sortorder"] != null)

??????????? {

??????????????? sortorder = HttpContext.Request.Form["sortorder"].ToString();

??????????? }

??????????? string tablename = "TALENT_BASEINFO";

??????????? if (HttpContext.Request.Form["tablename"] != null)

??????????? {

??????????????? tablename = HttpContext.Request.Form["tablename"].ToString();

??????????? }

??????????? string sortExp = sortname + " " + sortorder;

??????????? int start = ((page - 1) * rp) + 1;

??????????? DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int total = 0;



??????????? Session["QUERRY"] = whereCondition;

??????????? ds = _dal.GetListByPage(tablename,whereCondition,fields,sortname,sortorder,page,rp,out total);

??????????? return GetJsonForByPositionFind(ds.Tables[0],total);

??????? }

??????? //生成json数据

??????? public string GetJsonForByPositionFind(DataTable dt,int page,int total)

??????? {

??????????? StringBuilder jsonBuilder = new StringBuilder();

??????????? jsonBuilder.Append("{");


??????????? jsonBuilder.Append(""page":" + page.ToString() + ","total":" + total.ToString() + ","rows":[");

??????????? for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)

??????????? {

??????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("{");

??????????????? for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)

??????????????? {

??????????????????? if (j == 0)

??????????????????? {

??????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(""id":"");

??????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(tools.JsonStringFormat(dt.Rows[i][j].ToString()));

??????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("","cell":[");

??????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(""");

??????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(i + 1);

??????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("",");

????????????? ??????}

??????????????????? else

??????????????????? {

??????????????????????? if (j == 1)

??????????????????????? {

??????????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(""");

??????????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("<a onclick="JqueryDialog.Open('浏?¥览¤¨¤简¨°历¤¨2','../CommonInfo/TalentInfo?talentid=" + tools.JsonStringFormat(dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString()) + "',1100,580)"? target='_blank'><font color=blue>" + tools.JsonStringFormat(dt.Rows[i][j].ToString()) + "</font></a>");

???????????????????????? ???jsonBuilder.Append("",");

??????????????????????? }

??????????????????????? else

??????????????????????? {

??????????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(""");

??????????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append(tools.JsonStringFormat(dt.Rows[i][j].ToString()));

??????????????????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("",");

??????????????????????? }

??????????????????? }

??????????????? }

??????????????? jsonBuilder.Remove(jsonBuilder.Length - 1,1);

??????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("],");

??????????????? jsonBuilder.Remove(jsonBuilder.Length - 1,1);

??????????????? jsonBuilder.Append("},");

??????????? }

??????????? if (total > 0)

??????????? {

??????????????? jsonBuilder.Remove(jsonBuilder.Length - 1,1);

??????????? }

??????????? jsonBuilder.Append("]");

??????????? jsonBuilder.Append("}");

??????????? return jsonBuilder.ToString();

??????? }



