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发布时间:2020-12-15 03:53:33 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:1.如何动态获取Object中的属性和值 var ct:CustomObject=newCustomObject(); var xml:XML = describeType(ct);for each(var accessor in xml..accessor){ var name:String= accessor.@name; var type:String= accessor.@type; trace(ct[name]); } 2. 对象之
var ct:CustomObject=newCustomObject(); 
var xml:XML = describeType(ct);
for each(var accessor in xml..accessor){
   var name:String= accessor.@name;
   var type:String= accessor.@type;

2. 对象之间的拷贝

  * copies a source object to a destination object
  * @param sourceObject the source object
  * @param destinationObject the destination object
 public static function copyObject(sourceObject:Object,destinationObject:Object):void
     // check if the objects are not null
    if((sourceObject) && (destinationObject)) {
             //retrive information about the source object via XML
            var sourceInfo:XML = describeType(sourceObject);
             var objectProperty:XML;
             var propertyName:String;

             //?loop through the properties
            for each(objectProperty in sourceInfo.variable)
                 propertyName = objectProperty.@name;
                 if(sourceObject[objectProperty.@name] != null)
                     if(destinationObject.hasOwnProperty(objectProperty.@name)) {
                         destinationObject[objectProperty.@name] = sourceObject[objectProperty.@name];
             //loop through the accessors
            for each(objectProperty in sourceInfo.accessor) {
                 if(objectProperty.@access == "readwrite") {
                     propertyName = objectProperty.@name;
                     if(sourceObject[objectProperty.@name] != null)
                         if(destinationObject.hasOwnProperty(objectProperty.@name)) {
                             destinationObject[objectProperty.@name] = sourceObject[objectProperty.@name];
         catch (err:*) {


