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ios – AnyObject在Xcode8 beta6中不工作?

发布时间:2020-12-15 01:57:22 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:在Xcode8 beta6中,以下代码将引发警告:’is’测试始终为真。但它不会打印通行证。 struct TestStruct { } //warning: 'is' test is always true if TestStruct() is AnyObject { print("pass") } 并且以下代码将导致警告:从“T”到“AnyObject”的条件转
在Xcode8 beta6中,以下代码将引发警告:’is’测试始终为真。但它不会打印通行证。

struct TestStruct {

    //warning: 'is' test is always true
    if TestStruct() is AnyObject {


public static func register<T>(_ protocolType: T.Type,observer: T) {

    //Warning: Conditional cast from 'T' to 'AnyObject' always succeeds
    guard let object = observer as? AnyObject else {
        fatalError("expecting reference type but found value type: (observer)")




‘is’ test is always true

作为错误,并且包含一些关于为什么这种察觉到的错误警告将显示出来的讨论。 TestStruct()是AnyObject在运行时评估为false,但被认为是预期的行为。

考虑到bug report filed by the OP (SR-2420)的意见,似乎情况是相反的:由于Xcode 8 / beta 6,测试应该始终评估为true,而OP:s的错误是TestStruct()是AnyObject评估为运行时错误

Joe Groff writes:

This is correct,because everything bridges to AnyObject now.

is/as AnyObject always succeed for all types now. It’s behaving
as intended.



看起来好像没有明确实现的Swift值可以通过例如OBJ-C对象来桥接。与_ObjectiveCBridgeable(参见例如the following Q&A for details regarding _ObjectiveCBridgeable)一致,将自动使用新的SwiftValue框来允许转换到Obj-C对象。


Runtime: Implement an opaque ‘SwiftValue’ ObjC class to hold bridged values

If there’s no better mapping for a Swift value into an Objective-C
object for bridging purposes,we can fall back to boxing the value in
a class. This class doesn’t have any public interface beyond being
NSObject-conforming in Objective-C,but is recognized by the Swift runtime so that it can be dynamically cast back to the boxed type.


