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发布时间:2020-12-15 01:24:15 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:1.array作为控件使用 ?? FLEX3写法: ????? mx:Array id="barname"? ????????? mx:StringFlash/mx:String? ????????? mx:StringDirector/mx:String? ????????? mx:StringDreamweaver/mx:String? ????????? mx:StringColdFusion/mx:String? ????? /mx:Array?
?? FLEX3写法:
????? <mx:Array id="barname">?
????????? <mx:String>Flash</mx:String>?
????????? <mx:String>Director</mx:String>?
????????? <mx:String>Dreamweaver</mx:String>?
????????? <mx:String>ColdFusion</mx:String>?
????? </mx:Array>?
?? FLEX4写法:
????? <fx:Array id="barname">?
????????? <fx:String>Flex</fx:String>?
????????? <fx:String>Flash</fx:String>?
????????? <fx:String>Dreamweaver</fx:String>?
????? </fx:Array>?
?? 举例
?? <mx:LinkBar? id="navigationBar" dataProvider="{barname}"/>
?? <mx:LinkBar? id="navigationBar" dataProvider="barname"/>
?? 注:写{},则当barname数据的值修改后,linkbar的数据同步更新

?? [Bindable]
?? public var barname:Array=["Flex","Flash","Dreamweaver"];
?? <mx:LinkBar? id="navigationBar" dataProvider="{barname}"/>?

?? var barname:Array = new Array();
?? barname.push("Flex");
?? barname.push("Flash");
?? barname.push("Dreamweaver");
?? navigationBar.dataProvider = barname;?

?? private var temp:Array = new Array(1,4,3,45,6,7,77,9);??
?? function sortArray(numbers:Array):Array{????????
????? numbers.sort(Array.NUMERIC);??
????? return numbers;??
?? }

?? ArrayCollection是flex中的数组集合类,它是很常用的,我们使用它时需要注意几个地方
? ? ArrayCollection可以为它注册一个集合改变的监听事件(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE),就是一旦 ArrayCollection数组改变就会触发Event,不是所有情况的改变都会触发改变事件,如果集合当中的对象属性没有被绑定,那么你改变它的对象值也是不会触发事件的,在这种情况下你也许可能需要去将对象的属性进行绑定或者通过itemUpdated方法去管理对象值改变,除非集合的长度改变了,事件才会被触发
? ? ArrayCollection的对象删除方法removeAll(),有这样一种情况,当你在过滤集合数据的时候,它并不会删除所有数据,而是删除全部过滤的数据,不符合过滤条件的数据就没被删除,依然还在source中
? ? ArrayCollection有个filterFunction过滤函数,就是可能集合中你只需要显示其中某几个对象,你将会需要根据对象条件筛选对象,那么你可能会用过滤函数,过滤函数会将不符合条件的对象过滤出来,但是ArrayCollection有个source属性是不会变的,它是个数组,所有源数据全在里面,尽管你去过滤,所有对象都会一直存在其中
? ? ArrayCollection还有一个sort属性是用来排序的,你可以为其指定排序字段

?? import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;??

?? private var coll:ArrayCollection;??
??? coll = new ArrayCollection(??
?????????? [{name:"Martin Foo",age:25},??
??????????? {name:"Joe Bar",age:15},??
??????????? {name:"John Baz",age:23}]);??
??? }
?? 要插入元素,可使用addItemAt和addItem:??
?? coll.addItemAt({name:"James Fez",age:40},0);?
?? coll.addItem({name:"James Fez",age:40});?

?? Sort 对象提供findItem 方法用于搜索这个ArrayCollection 中的所有元素。
?? public function findItem(items:Array,values:Object,mode:String,
returnInsertionIndex:Boolean = false,compareFunction:Function = null):int
?? Value 参数可以是包含属性和所需值的任何对象。
?? Mode 字符串可以是Sort.ANY_INDEX_MODE,表示返回任何匹配项索引,Sort.FIRST_INDEX_MODE 表示返回第一个匹配项索引,Sort.LAST_INDEX_MODE 表示返回最后一个匹配项索引。
?? returnInsertionIndex 参数表示如果该方法找不到由values 参数标识的项目,并且此参数为
true,则findItem() 方法将返回这些值的插入点,也就是排序顺序中应插入此项目的。
?? compareFunction 设置用于查找该项目的比较运算符函数.
?? private function checkExistence():int { ?
????? var sort:Sort = new Sort();??
????? return sort.findItem(coll.source,{name:nameTI.text,age:Number(ageTI.text)},? Sort.ANY_INDEX_MODE);??
?? }

?? filterFunction 属性是由ListCollectionView 类定义,它是ArrayCollection 的父类。
?? 当过滤器函数被传递给继承自ListCollectionView 的任何子类后,这里为ArrayCollection 对象,应用过滤器后必须调用refresh 方法
?? 将原型为function(item:Object):Boolean 的函数传递给ArrayCollection 的filter 属性。如果返回true 表示值继续留在ArrayCollection,返回false 表示其值被移除。
? private function init():void {??
??? ? coll = new ArrayCollection([{name:"Martin Foo",{name:"Joe Bar",name:"John Baz",age:23},{name:"Matt Baz",age:21}]);??
????? coll.filterFunction = filterFunc;??
????? coll.refresh();??
????? for(var i:int = 0; i<coll.length; i++) {??
????????? trace(coll.getItemAt(i).name);??
????? }??
?? }??
?? private function filterFunc(value:Object):Object {??
????? if(Number(value.age) > 21) {??
????????? return true;??
????? }??
????? return false;??
?? }

?? 首先要创建一个Sort,传递一个SortField 对象数组给fields 属性。这些SortField 对象包含的字符串正是每个ArrayCollection 元素将要用来排序的属性。如要对每个对象的age 属性进行排序,创建Sort 对象,传递SortField。
??? 设置排序字段为age:
??? private function getOldest():void {??
?????? var sort:Sort = new Sort();??
?????? sort.fields = [new SortField("age")];??
?????? coll.sort = sort;??
?????? coll.refresh();??
?????? trace(coll.getItemAt(0).age+" "+coll.getItemAt(0).name);??
??? }??
??? 先按name升序排序,再按age降序排序
??? sort.fields = [new SortField("age"),new SortField("age",true,true)];??

public function SortField(
????????? name:String = null,??
????????? caseInsensitive:Boolean = false,??
????????? descending:Boolean = false,??
????????? numeric:Object = null)?
??? name:String (default = null) — 此字段用来进行比较的属性的名称。如果该对象为简单类型,则传递 null。??
??? caseInsensitive:Boolean (default = false) — 在对字符串进行排序时,指示比较运算符是否忽略值的大小写。?
??? descending:Boolean (default = false) — 指示比较运算符是否按降序排列项目。???
??? numeric:Object (default = null) — 指示比较运算符是否按编号而不按字母顺序比较排序项目。??

?? 1)Array的性能优于ArrayCollection,从测试结果平均看来,ArrayCollection的效率是随着object的数目呈线性下降的,而Array则是体现了优异的效率,在object增加的情况下,基本上没有太大的变化。所以如果在你需要遍历所有元素的情况下(比如说物理引擎,3D引擎等),Array是不错的选择
? ?? 程序见附件1.?
?? 2)后台JavaBean也用的是数组[]?
?? 3)for循环数组似乎比for each? ArrayConllection看起来更“傻瓜化”?
?? 4)给Array数组扩展长度,也可以变通实现,而且代价并不大?

?? 1)ArrayCollection 实现接口 ICollectionView,在 Flex 的类定义内属于[数据集],他提供更强大的检索、过滤、排序、分类、更新监控等功能。类似的类还有 XMLListCollection
?? 2)用 array 在作为 dataProvider 绑定于 control 之上,就无法获得控件的更新(实际上效果是可以得到更新的),除非控件被重新绘制或者 data provider 被重新指定,而 Collection 则是将 array 的副本存储于 Collection 类的某个对象之中,其特点是 Collection 类本身就具备了确保数据同步的方法,例子如下(取自 adobe 内部工程师 training 示例,稍有改变)?
?? 3)对ArrayCollection中的对象进行增加删除更新操作时ArrayCollection会产生事件,可以通过collectionchange事件监听,所以在图表开发中都用ArrayCollection做数据源,一旦有更新,就会反映在图标上

?? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" frameRate="100" layout="vertical" horizontalAlign="center">
??? <mx:Script>
??? ??? <![CDATA[
??? ??? ??? import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
??? ??? ??? [Bindable]
??? ??? ??? private var ds:ArrayCollection;
??? ??? ??? private var array:Array;
??? ??? ??? private var ac:ArrayCollection;
??? ??? ??? public function loop(loopCount:uint):Object
??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? array = null;
??? ??? ??? ??? ac = null;
??? ??? ??? ??? var begin:uint;
??? ??? ??? ??? var end:uint;
??? ??? ??? ??? var interval1:Number = 0;
??? ??? ??? ??? var interval2:Number = 0;
??? ??? ??? ??? var interval3:Number = 0;
??? ??? ??? ??? var interval4:Number = 0;
??? ??? ??? ??? var i:uint;

??? ??? ??? ??? // for array,insert to array
??? ??? ??? ??? i=0;
??? ??? ??? ??? array= new Array();
??? ??? ??? ??? begin = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? for (i;i<loopCount;i++)
??? ??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? array.push({test:"helllo"});
??? ??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? ??? end = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? interval1 =? end - begin;
??? ??? ??? ??? t1.text = interval1.toString()+" ms";
??? ??? ??? ??? //loop the array
??? ??? ??? ??? i=0;
??? ??? ??? ??? begin = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? for (i;i<array.length;i++)
??? ??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? array[i];
??? ??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? ??? end = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? interval3 =? end - begin;
??? ??? ??? ??? t3.text = interval3.toString()+" ms";
??? ??? ??? ????
??? ??? ??? ??? /// for ac,insert to array collection
??? ??? ??? ??? i=0;
??? ??? ??? ??? ac=? new ArrayCollection();
??? ??? ??? ??? begin = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? for (i;i<loopCount;i++)
??? ??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ac.addItem({test:"helllo"});
??? ??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? ??? end = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? interval2 =? end - begin;
??? ??? ??? ??? t2.text = interval2.toString()+ " ms";

??? ??? ??? ??? //loop the array collection
??? ??? ??? ??? i=0;
??? ??? ??? ??? begin = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? for (i;i<ac.length;i++)
??? ??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ac.getItemAt(i);
??? ??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? ??? end = getTimer();
??? ??? ??? ??? interval4 =? end - begin;
??? ??? ??? ??? t4.text = interval4.toString()+ " ms";
??? ??? ??? ??? return {ct:loopCount,
??? ??? ??? ??? array_insert:interval1,
??? ??? ??? ??? ac_insert:interval2,
??? ??? ??? ??? array_loop:interval3,
??? ??? ??? ??? ac_loop:interval4
??? ??? ??? ??? };
??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? private function autoLoop():void
??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? ds=null;
??? ??? ??? ??? ds = new ArrayCollection();
??? ??? ??? ??? var i:uint=0;
??? ??? ??? ??? for (i;i<parseInt(count.text);i+=parseInt(count.text)>100?parseInt(count.text)/10:1)
??? ??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ds.addItem(loop(i));
??? ??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ??? public function reset():void
??? ??? ??? {
??? ??? ??? ??? t1.text ="0";
??? ??? ??? ??? t2.text ="0";
??? ??? ??? ??? t3.text = "0";
??? ??? ??? ??? t4.text = "0";
??? ??? ??? ??? count.text = "1000";
??? ??? ??? ??? ds=null;
??? ??? ??? ??? ds = new ArrayCollection();
??? ??? ??? }
??? ??? ]]>
??? </mx:Script>
??? <mx:ApplicationControlBar width="503">
??? ??? <mx:Label text="插入条数:" fontSize="12" color="#0B333C" fontWeight="bold"/>
??? ??? <mx:TextInput width="98" text="1000" id="count"/>
??? ??? <mx:Button id="startBtn0" label="Test" click="autoLoop()"/>
??? ??? <mx:VRule height="15"/>
??? ??? <mx:Button label="reset" click="reset()"/>
??? </mx:ApplicationControlBar>
??? <mx:Panel width="500" height="480" layout="horizontal" id="testBed" title="Array 与Array Collection的性能比较" fontSize="11" fontWeight="normal">
??? ??? <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" id="main" borderStyle="none" autoLayout="false"? horizontalScrollPolicy="off" fontSize="10">
??? ??? ??? <mx:LineChart id="lc" x="8.5" y="133" width="463" height="306"? showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" >
??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:horizontalAxis>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{ds}" categoryField="ct" title="插入Object数目"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:horizontalAxis>
??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:verticalAxis>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:LinearAxis id="la" minimum="-1" title="响应时间(毫秒)"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:verticalAxis>
??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:series>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:LineSeries displayName="array 插入耗时" yField="array_insert" />
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:LineSeries displayName="arraycollection 插入耗时" yField="ac_insert"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:LineSeries displayName="array 遍历耗时" yField="array_loop"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:LineSeries displayName="arraycollection 遍历耗时" yField="ac_loop"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:series>
??? ??? ??? </mx:LineChart>
??? ??? ??? <mx:HBox x="10" y="0" width="460" height="134" horizontalAlign="left" verticalAlign="middle">
??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Grid horizontalGap="1"? borderThickness="1" borderColor="#C6C6C6"? borderStyle="solid">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="86" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Label text="毫秒(ms)" fontSize="12"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" fontSize="12">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Label text="Array"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" fontSize="12">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Label text="ArrayCollection"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridRow>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="66" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Label text="插入耗时" fontSize="12"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Text text="0" width="80" id="t1" fontSize="12"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Text text="0" id="t2" width="80" fontSize="12"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridRow>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridRow width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Label text="遍历耗时" fontSize="12"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%" fontSize="12">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Text text="0" width="80" id="t3"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:GridItem width="100%" height="100%">
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Text text="0" id="t4" width="80" fontSize="12"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridItem>
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:GridRow>
??? ??? ??? ??? </mx:Grid>
??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:VRule height="73" width="3"/>
??? ??? ??? ??? <mx:Legend dataProvider="{lc}" width="100%" direction="vertical" fontSize="9" verticalGap="2" fontWeight="normal" fontStyle="normal" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
??? ??? ??? </mx:HBox>
??? ??? </mx:Canvas>
??? </mx:Panel>
??? <mx:LinkButton label="beherca" click="navigateToURL(new URLRequest('http://blog.beherca.com'),'_blank')"/>

?? 1.TonyLian. Array 和 ArrayCollection 区别. http://tonylian.javaeye.com/blog/288964
?? 2.凯文. Array 和ArrayCollection的性能比较. http://blog.beherca.com/logs/45628162.html
?? 3.xldbk. Flex ArrayCollection几点注意. http://xldbk.javaeye.com/blog/265064
?? 4.Callan. Flex 集合(ArrayCollection). http://callan.javaeye.com/blog/335551

?? 5.hugo. Flex的ArrayCollection与Array的排序. http://www.hugo8.com/article.asp?id=744



