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flex ant -- 利用apache ant編譯flex項目

发布时间:2020-12-15 01:19:16 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:首先,要使用ant編譯flex項目必須滿足以下條件 1. java環境 2. apache ant 3. flex sdk 如果具備以上條件了,那我們開始吧~@~ flex sdk中帶的編譯器幾種: 如: %flexsdk_home% version /asdoc ?文档归档 %flexsdk_home% version /mxmlc mxml ?编译器 %flexsdk


1. java環境

2. apache ant

3. flex sdk


flex sdk中帶的編譯器幾種:


%flexsdk_home%version/asdoc ?文档归档

%flexsdk_home%version/mxmlc mxml ?编译器

%flexsdk_home%version/compc as类编译器



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="ManangementSys" default="deploy">

	<condition property="platformSpecificPropertyFile" value="build.win.properties">
		<os family="windows" />
	<condition property="platformSpecificPropertyFile" value="build.unix.properties">
		<os family="unix" />
	<property file="./setup/config/${platformSpecificPropertyFile}" />
	<property file="./build.properties" />

	<target name="properties">
		<fail unless="asdoc.exe">The "asdoc.exe" property must be set in ${build.dir}/build.properties.</fail>
		<fail unless="compc.exe">The "compc.exe" property must be set in ${build.dir}/build.properties.</fail>
		<fail unless="mxmlc.exe">The "mxmlc.exe" property must be set in ${build.dir}/build.properties.</fail>

	<!-- 这是一个ant扩展,使用它可以使用如"for" 和 "propertyregex"插件 -->
	<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
			<pathelement location="${setup.lib}/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />

	<!-- Cleans project -->
	<target name="clean">
		<delete dir="${build}" />
		<delete dir="${dist}" />

	<!-- creates buid/dist folders -->
	<target name="init" depends="clean">
		<mkdir dir="${build}" />
		<mkdir dir="${build.config}" />
		<mkdir dir="${dist}" />

	<!-- compile the project -->
	<target name="complieProject" depends="init"><!--copy配置文件到构造目录中,以备使用-->
		<copy tofile="${build.config}/flexlib-config.xml" file="${setup.config}/flexlib-config.template.xml" overwrite="true" />
		<replace file="${build.config}/flexlib-config.xml">
			<replacefilter token="@FLEX_LIBS_HOME@" value="${flexsdk.lib}" />
			<replacefilter token="@FLEX_BUILD_VERSION@" value="${flex.version}" />
		<exec executable="${mxmlc.exe}" dir="${basedir}" logerror="on">
			<arg line="'${src.dir}/${application.name}.mxml'" /><!--源码文件-->
			<arg line="-o ${dist}/${application.name}.swf" /><!--编译结果输出文件-->
			<arg line="-load-config '${flexsdk.dir}/frameworks/flex-config.xml'" /><!--加载配置,这是flex库-->
			<arg line="-load-config ${build.config}/flexlib-config.xml" /><!--其它一些参数设置--->


	<!--资源copy -->
	<target name="copyAssets" depends="init">
		<copydir dest="${dist}/assets" src="${src.dir}/assets">
		<copydir dest="${dist}/com/amusement" src="${src.dir}/com/amusement" excludes="**/*.mxml">
        <!--copy html模板-->
	<target name="copyWebRequired">
		<copydir dest="${dist}" src="${setup.webrequired}" excludes="**/${html.template.file}">
		<copyfile dest="${dist}/index.html" src="${setup.webrequired}/${html.template.file}" />
		<replace file="${dist}/index.html">
			<replacefilter token="@FLASH_SWF@" value="${application.name}" />

	<target name="test" depends="complieProject,copyAssets">
		<exec executable="${flashDebugPlayer.exe}" spawn="yes">
			<arg line="${dist}/${application.name}.swf" />


# The location of the Flex SDK on your system.
flex.home = /opt/flex
flex.version = 4.0.0

# conditional compilation variables,whether you're building against flex 3 or 4
# note: both variables must be set,both are actually used in the code base. They
# obviously should be set to opposite values :)
flex.version3 = false
flex.version4 = true

# Name for the Flex compiler binaries. The path will be derived from the flex home + version.
asdoc.exe.name = asdoc
mxmlc.exe.name = mxmlc
compc.exe.name = compc

# path to flash debug player binary
flashDebugPlayer.exe = flashplayer


deploy.webapp.home=D:Program FilesApache Foundationtomcat-6.0.29webappsmg

# The location of the Flex SDK on your system.
# flex3--
# flex.home = C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flash Builder 4 Plug-in
# flex.version = 4.0.0

# flex 4
flex.home = D:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4
flex.version = 4.0.0

# conditional compilation variables,both are actually used in the code base. They
# obviously should be set to opposite values :)
flex.version3 = false
flex.version4 = true

# name for the Flex compiler binaries. The path will be derived from the flex home + version.
asdoc.exe.name = asdoc.exe
mxmlc.exe.name = mxmlc.exe
compc.exe.name = compc.exe

# path to flash debug player binary
# The debug player is necessary here because it writes trace statements to a flashlog.txt
# file.  This allows us to examine the .txt file and determine the status of unit tests
# in an automated fashion.
flashDebugPlayer.exe = ${flex.home}/Player/win/FlashPlayer.exe


<?xml version="1.0"?>





1. 如果在项目中使用embed内嵌资源,在编译过程中出现找不到资源的错误 ,这种情况是路径不正确引起的,所在要引用资料时路径设置为从根目录开始 ,就以项目下assets文件夹下test.png为例,

应该这样写 embed(source=''/assets/test.png") 不要写为embed(source=''assets/test.png")?

2. 需要对第个module进行编译


