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cocos2d v3 fixed size screen mode

发布时间:2020-12-14 21:06:07 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:// Use v3's new fixed size screen mode to make it easier to support multiple device scales and resolutions.// It sets up Cocos2D with a 568x384 point "design size".// On iPhone 4 you see the middle 480x320 of it and the rest is cropped.//
// Use v3's new fixed size screen mode to make it easier to support multiple device scales and resolutions.
// It sets up Cocos2D with a 568x384 point "design size".
// On iPhone 4 you see the middle 480x320 of it and the rest is cropped.
// On iPhone 5 you see the middle 568x320 of it.
// On iPad you see the middle 512x384 of that. (It sets the iPad's content scale to 2 or 4 for retina)
CCSetupScreenMode: CCScreenModeFixed,


