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cocos2d-android & cocos2d-android-1

发布时间:2020-12-14 16:57:50 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:原文地址 Question: Can anybody please explain me what is the difference between cocos2d-android and cocos2d-android-1? What are the functionalities differ between them? And the related details.. I was searching,but not yet get anything ap


Can anybody please explain me what is the difference between cocos2d-android and cocos2d-android-1? What are the functionalities differ between them? And the related details.. I was searching,but not yet get anything appropriate to it..

Best Answer:
The main difference is that cocos2d-android is basically dead,or at least it has had no activity since November 16,2010.

The cocos2d-android-1 branch was created because of a lack of activity in the cocos2d-android version. The code is hosted on github and the commit log shows at least a few commits per months. It’s not as frequently updated as one would hope it to be,but it’s better than nothing.

Unfortunately both versions are still based on cocos2d-iphone 0.99.4 which was released in July 2010. So if you absolutely want to develop Android apps in Java,use cocos2d-android-1. If Java is not a deciding factor for you,then cocos2d-x (C++) will be the better choice since it is frequently updated and has financial backing.



