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Swift 3不正确的字符串插值,带隐式解包的可选项

发布时间:2020-12-14 06:00:04 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:为什么在Swift 3中使用字符串插值时,隐式解包的可选性不会解包? 例: 在操场中运行以下代码 var str: String!str = "Hello"print("The following should not be printed as an optional: (str)") 产生此输出: The following should not be printed as an
为什么在Swift 3中使用字符串插值时,隐式解包的可选性不会解包?


var str: String!
str = "Hello"

print("The following should not be printed as an optional: (str)")


The following should not be printed as an optional: Optional("Hello")


这是甚至是一个错误或者他们有意改变这对Swift 3?

根据 SE-0054,ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional不再是一个不同的类型。相反,它现在是一个常规 Optional相同的类型 – 它只是有一个属性,允许编译器强制解开它的情况下,不能将类型检查为一个。


If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type,it will be. However,the type checker will fall back to forcing the optional if necessary. The effect of this behavior is that the result of any expression that refers to a value declared as T! will either have type T or type T?.


当涉及字符串插值时,编译器使用此初始化器从_ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol为了评估字符串插值段:

/// Creates an instance containing the appropriate representation for the
/// given value.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler for
/// each string interpolation segment when you use string interpolation. For
/// example:
///     let s = "(5) x (2) = (5 * 2)"
///     print(s)
///     // Prints "5 x 2 = 10"
/// This initializer is called five times when processing the string literal
/// in the example above; once each for the following: the integer `5`,the
/// string `" x "`,the integer `2`,the string `" = "`,and the result of
/// the expression `5 * 2`.
/// - Parameter expr: The expression to represent.
init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)



如果您希望IUO在字符串插值中使用时强制展开,您可以简单地使用force unwrap运算符!:

var str: String!
str = "Hello"

print("The following should not be printed as an optional: (str!)")


print("The following should not be printed as an optional: (str as String)")



