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swift – 如何在Xcode 7 OSX中创建NSRadioButton组

发布时间:2020-12-14 05:56:49 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在关注如何创建单选按钮组 this tutorial。但是,似乎Radio Group在Xcode 7库中已经不再可用了,我没有找到很多关于它的信息。如何创建这样的东西: 非常感谢。 从 Xcode 7 release notes起: The template for Radio buttons in the Interface Builder
我正在关注如何创建单选按钮组 this tutorial。但是,似乎Radio Group在Xcode 7库中已经不再可用了,我没有找到很多关于它的信息。如何创建这样的东西:


从 Xcode 7 release notes起:

The template for Radio buttons in the Interface Builder object library is now implemented as individual NSButton objects,rather than the older NSMatrix,which is discouraged on OS X v10.8 and later. Radio buttons automatically act as a group (selecting one button will unselect all other related buttons) when they have the same superview and -action method. (16965941)



