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发布时间:2020-12-14 05:20:00 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我在 Swift游乐场中有以下示例,试图在Swift中实现一个复制构造函数: class Shape : NSObject { var color : String override init() { color = "Red" } init(copyFrom: Shape) { color = copyFrom.color }}class Square : Shape { var length : Double over
我在 Swift游乐场中有以下示例,试图在Swift中实现一个复制构造函数:
class Shape : NSObject {
    var color : String

    override init() {
        color = "Red"

    init(copyFrom: Shape) {
        color = copyFrom.color

class Square : Shape {
    var length : Double

    override init() {
        length = 10.0

    init(copyFrom: Square) { /* Compilation error here! */
        super.init(copyFrom: copyFrom)
        length = copyFrom.length

let s : Square = Square()      // {{color "Red"} length 10.0}

let copy = Square(copyFrom: s) // {{color "Red"} length 10.0}

s.color = "Blue"               // {{color "Blue"} length 10.0}
s                              // {{color "Blue"} length 10.0}
copy                           // {{color "Red"} length 10.0}


使用选择器’initWithCopyFrom:’的覆盖方法具有不兼容的类型'(Square) – >广场’


let mySquare : Shape = Square()  // Note the var is a SHAPE
mySquare.someShapeMethod("Test") // If Square overrides someShapeMethod() to expect Int,compiler errors out to protect us here.




init(copyFrom:Square)是init(copyFrom:Shape)的重载,而不是覆盖.我的意思是他们是不相关的方法,因为他们接受不同的类型.在斯威夫特这是可以接受的.在ObjC中,这是非法的. ObjC中没有超载.

Swift初始化器不会自动继承.所以在Swift中,你不能尝试将随机的Shape复制成Square.初始化程序不可用.但是在ObjC中,初始化器会自动继承(并且您不能阻止它们这样做).所以如果你有一个方法initWithCopyFrom:(* Shape),则需要每个子类都愿意接受它.这意味着你可以(在ObjC中)尝试创建一个Circle作为Square的副本.这当然是废话.


import Foundation

class Shape : NSObject,NSCopying { // <== Note NSCopying
  var color : String

  required override init() { // <== Need "required" because we need to call dynamicType() below
    color = "Red"

  func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject { // <== NSCopying
    // *** Construct "one of my current class". This is why init() is a required initializer
    let theCopy = self.dynamicType()
    theCopy.color = self.color
    return theCopy

class Square : Shape {
  var length : Double

  required init() {
    length = 10.0

  override func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject { // <== NSCopying
    let theCopy = super.copyWithZone(zone) as Square // <== Need casting since it returns AnyObject
    theCopy.length = self.length
    return theCopy


let s = Square()      // {{color "Red"} length 10.0}

let copy = s.copy() as Square // {{color "Red"} length 10.0} // <== copy() requires a cast

s.color = "Blue"               // {{color "Blue"} length 10.0}
s                              // {{color "Blue"} length 10.0}
copy                           // {{color "Red"}


