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正则表达式 – 如何编写C#正则表达式模式以匹配基本的printf格式

发布时间:2020-12-14 05:36:26 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:它应符合以下标准(条件部分在方括号中: %[some numbers][.some numbers]d|f|s 符号d | f | s表示其中一个必须在那里. 谢谢 BR -Matti 解决方法 这应该这样做: string input = "Bloke %s drank %5.2f litres of water and ate %d bananas";string pattern =

%[some numbers][.some numbers]d|f|s

符号d | f | s表示其中一个必须在那里.

谢谢& BR -Matti



string input = "Bloke %s drank %5.2f litres of water and ate %d bananas";
string pattern = @"%(d+(.d+)?)?(d|f|s)";

foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(input,pattern))

我没有在我的模式中使用[dfs],因为我计划更新它以使用命名组.这是基于your earlier question关于确定C风格格式字符串的替换策略.


string input = "Bloke %s drank %5.2f litres of water and ate %d bananas";
string pattern = @"%(?<Number>d+(.d+)?)?(?<Type>d|f|s)";

int count = 0;
string result = Regex.Replace(input,pattern,m =>
    var number = m.Groups["Number"].Value;
    var type = m.Groups["Type"].Value;
    // now you can have custom logic to check the type appropriately
    // check the types,format with the count for the current parameter
    return String.Concat("{",count++,"}");

C#/.NET 2.0方法:

private int formatCount { get; set; }

void Main()
    string input = "Bloke %s drank %5.2f litres of water and ate %d bananas";

private string FormatCStyleStrings(string input)
    formatCount = 0; // reset count
    string pattern = @"%(?<Number>d+(.d+)?)?(?<Type>d|f|s)";
    string result = Regex.Replace(input,FormatReplacement);
    return result;

private string FormatReplacement(Match m)
    string number = m.Groups["Number"].Value;
    string type = m.Groups["Type"].Value;
    // custom logic here,format as needed
    return String.Concat("{",formatCount++,"}");


