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发布时间:2020-12-14 04:40:35 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我需要在协议中创建泛型函数,并在扩展中使用默认实现.它应该使用item作为枚举:RawRepresentable,其中RawValue == String always.我试过了 protocol RequiresEnum: class { associatedtype SectionIdentifierEnum: RawRepresentable // how this add restric
我需要在协议中创建泛型函数,并在扩展中使用默认实现.它应该使用item作为枚举:RawRepresentable,其中RawValue == String always.我试过了

protocol RequiresEnum: class {
    associatedtype SectionIdentifierEnum: RawRepresentable // how this add restriction to RawValue == String

    func test<T: SectionIdentifierEnum>(identifier: T) where T.RawValue == String

enum RequiresEnumDefault: String {
    case `default`

extension RequiresEnum where Self: UIViewController,SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue == String {

    typealias SectionIdentifierEnum = RequiresEnumDefault

    func test<T: SectionIdentifierEnum>(identifier: T) where T.RawValue == String {



  • ‘SectionIdentifierEnum’ is ambiguous for type lookup in this context
  • ‘RawValue’ is not a member type of ‘T’




Swift 3.1

现在,当前(Swift 3.1),您无法将复杂的类型约束添加到关联类型.但是,您可以提供一个默认实现,仅适用于Self从UIViewController派生的情况,并通过将SectionIdentifierEnum类型设置为具体的RequiresEnumDefault类型来实现RequiresEnum协议.后者将确定关联的RawValue是此默认实现的String,因为具体RequiresEnumDefault类型的RawValue是String.


// Swift 3.1
// ---------
// Types that implement this protocol mustn't necessarily use a
// `SectionIdentifierEnum` type where `SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue` 
// is constrained to equal `String`. 
protocol RequiresEnum: class {
    associatedtype SectionIdentifierEnum: RawRepresentable

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum)

enum RequiresEnumDefault: String {
    case `default`

// This extension,however,is only available for types that use
// `RequiresEnumDefault ` as the concrete type of `SectionIdentifierEnum`
// (in which case `SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue` is `String`).
extension RequiresEnum where Self: UIViewController,SectionIdentifierEnum == RequiresEnumDefault {

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum) {

// Example usage.
class MyViewController : UIViewController,RequiresEnum {
    typealias SectionIdentifierEnum = RequiresEnumDefault
    // ...

let foo = MyViewController()
foo.test(identifier: RequiresEnumDefault.default) 
  // prints "default" (using extension:s default implementation)

上面,test(…)的默认实现仅在SectionIdentifierEnum等于具体类型RequireEnumDefault(和Self派生自UIViewController …)时可用.如果您希望它仅在SectionIdentifierEnum是具有String类型RawValue的任何枚举时可用,则相应地修改扩展的类型约束:

protocol RequiresEnum: class {
    associatedtype SectionIdentifierEnum: RawRepresentable

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum)

enum RequiresEnumDefault: String {
    case `default`

extension RequiresEnum where Self: UIViewController,SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue == String {

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum) {

// Example usage.
enum EnumWithStringRawValue: String {
    case foo

class MyViewController : UIViewController,RequiresEnum {
    typealias SectionIdentifierEnum = EnumWithStringRawValue
    // ...

let foo = MyViewController()
foo.test(identifier: EnumWithStringRawValue.foo)
    // prints "foo" (using extension:s default implementation)

一旦Swift 4发布,您将能够根据Swift evolution提案的实现向关联类型添加更复杂的约束:

> SE-0142: Permit where clauses to constrain associated types


// Swift 4
// -------
// Here,all types that implement this protocol must use a
// `SectionIdentifierEnum` type where `SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue` 
// is equal to `String`. 
protocol RequiresEnum: class {
    associatedtype SectionIdentifierEnum: RawRepresentable 
        where SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue == String

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum)

enum RequiresEnumDefault: String {
    case `default`

// For the specific case where `SectionIdentifierEnum` equals
// `RequiresEnumDefault` (and where `Self` derives from `UIViewController`),// this default implementation is readily available.
extension RequiresEnum where Self: UIViewController,SectionIdentifierEnum == RequiresEnumDefault {

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum) {


// Example usage.
class MyViewController : UIViewController,RequiresEnum {
    typealias SectionIdentifierEnum = RequiresEnumDefault
    // ...

let foo = MyViewController()
foo.test(identifier: RequiresEnumDefault.default) 
  // prints "default" (using extension:s default implementation)


protocol RequiresEnum: class {
    associatedtype SectionIdentifierEnum: RawRepresentable 
        where SectionIdentifierEnum.RawValue == String

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum)

enum RequiresEnumDefault: String {
    case `default`

// From the constraint on the `RawValue` of `SectionIdentifierEnum`
// above,we know that `RawValue` equals `String`.
extension RequiresEnum where Self: UIViewController {

    func test(identifier: SectionIdentifierEnum) {

// Example usage.
enum EnumWithStringRawValue: String {
    case foo
class MyViewController : UIViewController,RequiresEnum {
    typealias SectionIdentifierEnum = EnumWithStringRawValue
    // ...

let foo = MyViewController()
foo.test(identifier: EnumWithStringRawValue.foo) 
  // prints "foo" (using extension:s default implementation)


