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swift - The command pattern

发布时间:2020-12-14 01:51:18 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:The command pattern provides a mechanism by which details of how to invoke a method can beencapsulated so that the method can be invoked later or by a different component. 命令模式:把每一次执行的命令放到一个队列里,undo队列 和 do队列,实

The command pattern provides a mechanism by which details of how to invoke a method can beencapsulated so that the method can be invoked later or by a different component.

命令模式:把每一次执行的命令放到一个队列里,undo队列 和 do队列,实现了undo/redo的操作。


let calc = Calculator();




println("Calc 1 Total: (calc.total)");

let macro = calc.getMacroCommand();

let calc2 = Calculator();


println("Calc 2 Total: (calc2.total)");


import Foundation;

class Calculator {

private(set) var total = 0;

typealias CommandClosure = (Calculator -> Void);

private var history = [CommandClosure]();

private var queue = dispatch_queue_create("arrayQ",DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);

func add(amount:Int) {

addMacro(Calculator.add,amount: amount);

total += amount;


func subtract(amount:Int) {

addMacro(Calculator.subtract,amount: amount);

total -= amount;


func multiply(amount:Int) {

addMacro(Calculator.multiply,amount: amount);

total = total * amount;


func divide(amount:Int) {

addMacro(Calculator.divide,amount: amount);

total = total / amount;


private func addMacro(method:Calculator -> Int -> Void,amount:Int) {

dispatch_sync(self.queue,{() in

self.history.append({ calc in method(calc)(amount)});



func getMacroCommand() -> (Calculator -> Void) {

var commands = [CommandClosure]();

dispatch_sync(queue,{() in

commands = self.history


return { calc in

if (commands.count > 0) {

for index in 0 ..< commands.count {








protocol Command {

func execute(receiver:Any);


class CommandWrapper : Command {

private let commands:[Command];

init(commands:[Command]) {

self.commands = commands;


func execute(receiver:Any) {

for command in commands {





class GenericCommand<T> : Command {

private var instructions: T -> Void;

init(instructions: T -> Void) {

self.instructions = instructions;


func execute(receiver:Any) {

if let safeReceiver = receiver as? T {


} else {

fatalError("Receiver is not expected type");



class func createCommand(instuctions: T -> Void) -> Command {

return GenericCommand(instructions: instuctions);




