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发布时间:2020-12-13 00:20:00 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:1.数据库、表的建立,记录的添加、查询、修改和删除 F:/sqlite3 database.db sqlite create table admin(username text,age integer); sqlite insert into admin values('kuang',25); sqlite select * from admin; sqlite update admin set username='kk',ag


F:/>sqlite3 database.db
sqlite> create table admin(username text,age integer);
sqlite> insert into admin values('kuang',25);
sqlite> select * from admin;
sqlite> update admin set username='kk',age=24 where username='kuang' and age=25;
sqlite> delete from admin where username='kk';


2.Sqlite系统命令 .bail ON|OFF Stop after hitting an error.Default OFF .databases List names and files of attached databases(查看目前挂的数据库) .dump ?TABLE? ...Dump the database in an SQL text format(以SQL格式输出表结构) .echo ON|OFF Turn command echo on or off .exitExit this program(退出程序) .explain ON|OFFTurn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off. .header(s) ON|OFFTurn display of headers on or off .helpShow this message(显示帮助信息) .import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE(把文件中的数据导入到表中,各字段用separator的值为分隔符) .indices TABLE Show names of all indices on TABLE .load FILE ?ENTRY? Load an extension library .mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output mode where MODE is one of:(输出格式) csvComma-separated values(各字段以逗号为分隔符输出) column Left-aligned columns.(See .width)(以.width设置的宽度显示各字段) html HTML <table> code(html表格格式输出) insert SQL insert statements for TABLE(以insert SQL语句形式输出) line One value per line(field = value的形式逐行输出) list Values delimited by .separator string(各字段以separator的值为分隔符输出) tabs Tab-separated values tclTCL list elements .nullvalue STRINGPrint STRING in place of NULL values .output FILENAME Send output to FILENAME(设置把查询输出到文件,后面的输出结果都保存到文件中) .output stdout Send output to the screen(设置把查询结果输出到屏幕,默认) .prompt MAIN CONTINUEReplace the standard prompts(修改提示符) .quitExit this program(退出) .read FILENAME Execute SQL in FILENAME(执行文件中的SQL语句) .schema ?TABLE?Show the Create statements(以SQL格式输出表结构) .separator STRINGChange separator used by output mode and .import(修改分隔符) .showShow the current values for various settings(显示配置信息) .tables ?PATTERN?List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern(看看有创建了多少表) .timeout MSTry opening locked tables for MS milliseconds(超时时间,单位:毫秒) .width NUM NUM ... Set column widths for "column" mode(设置列宽)


