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发布时间:2020-12-13 20:12:00 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我试图在我的mac中安装 cabal-dev.完成后,我试图运行./bin/build.得到此错误消息. cabal: cannot configure cabal-dev-0.9.1. It requires MonadRandom ==0.1.*,tar==0.3.*,test-framework =0.3 0.6 and test-framework-hunit =0.2There is no available ver
我试图在我的mac中安装 cabal-dev.完成后,我试图运行./bin/build.得到此错误消息.
cabal: cannot configure cabal-dev-0.9.1. It requires MonadRandom ==0.1.*,tar
==0.3.*,test-framework >=0.3 && <0.6 and test-framework-hunit >=0.2
There is no available version of MonadRandom that satisfies ==0.1.*
There is no available version of tar that satisfies ==0.3.*
There is no available version of test-framework that satisfies >=0.3 && <0.6
There is no available version of test-framework-hunit that satisfies >=0.2

我从Haskell platform下载并安装.

您不必使用该构建脚本;你可以通过运行cabal install cabal-dev来安装cabal-dev,它将自动下载并安装cabal-dev及其依赖项.

但是如果您确实想要使用它,请首先在cabal-dev的源目录中尝试cabal install –only-dependencies(其中包含cabal-dev.cabal).该脚本的目的是避免避免安装到全局和用户包数据库中 – 基本上,它使用相同的沙盒cabal-dev本身.它可能不值得努力,因为cabal-dev安装就像其他所有程序一样好.


