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postgresql – Autovacuum未在Openshift Online Postgres盒式磁

发布时间:2020-12-13 18:11:02 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我的Openshift在线墨盒上有Postgres 9.2.使用Pgadmin3,我已经启用(通过勾选方框) postgresql.conf的autovuum设置.但是,autovacuum似乎没有运行. 这是我有的: ps -ef | grep -i vacuum 没有显示自动真空过程. 使用psql控制台,显示autovacuum,表示其值为ON 从
我的Openshift在线墨盒上有Postgres 9.2.使用Pgadmin3,我已经启用(通过勾选方框) postgresql.conf的autovuum设置.但是,autovacuum似乎没有运行.


> ps -ef | grep -i vacuum
>从FROM pg_stat_user_tables使用psql控制台,SELECT schemaname,relname,last_vacuum,last_autovacuum;在last_vacuum和last_autovacuum列中没有给出任何值,即使我使用pgadmin3进行了手动真空维护功能.
> pgAdminIII中db的属性选项卡表示’未运行’的AUTOVACUUM值


当我试图在服务器上找到文件时,我也无法访问Openshift Online上的postgresql.conf – 希望手动编辑文件而不是使用pgAdminIII.
– 发现这个https://www.openshift.com/forums/openshift/how-do-i-set-maxpreparedtransactions-on-my-postgresql-cartridge我现在能够查看/编辑我的postgresql.conf.显然autovacuum已经打开,因此conf具有正确的设置.

当问题pg_ctl重启-m fast我得到了

LOG:  could not bind socket for statistics collector: Permission denied 
LOG:  trying another address for the statistics collector 
LOG:  could not bind socket for statistics collector: Permission denied 
LOG: trying another address for the statistics collector 
LOG:  could not bind socket for statistics collector: Cannot assign requested address LOG:  trying another address for the statistics collector 
LOG:  could not bind socket for statistics collector: Cannot assign requested address LOG:  disabling statistics collector for lack of working socket 
WARNING:  autovacuum not started because of misconfiguration 
HINT:  Enable the "track_counts" option. 
LOG:  database system was shut down at 2014-04-22 09:58:19 GMT 
LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections



我遇到了类似的问题,并在 this discussion中找到了一个有用的提示:

… for some insane reason,openshit disabled localhost,and autovacuum only connects to localhost,I suppose it makes sense that they wouldn’t want to be trying to vacuum a remote db… but openshit breaks autovacuum.

我找到的一个解决方案(我可能会使用)是手动添加一个强制真空的cronjob. here是一个看起来很有前途的批处理脚本,但要注意强制真空可能涉及的副作用(当然取决于你的app).


