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string – PostgreSQL:文本和varchar之间的差异(字符变化)

发布时间:2020-12-13 16:58:03 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:文本数据类型和字符变化(varchar)数据类型之间有什么区别? 根据the documentation If character varying is used without length specifier,the type accepts strings of any size. The latter is a PostgreSQL extension. 和 In addition,PostgreSQL provi

根据the documentation

If character varying is used without length specifier,the type accepts strings of any size. The latter is a PostgreSQL extension.

In addition,PostgreSQL provides the text type,which stores strings of any length. Although the type text is not in the SQL standard,several other SQL database management systems have it as well.


没有区别,在引擎盖下它是所有varlena( variable length array)。



To sum it all up:

  • char(n) – takes too much space when dealing with values shorter than n,and can lead to subtle errors because of adding trailing
    spaces,plus it is problematic to change the limit
  • varchar(n) – it’s problematic to change the limit in live environment
  • varchar – just like text
  • text – for me a winner – over (n) data types because it lacks their problems,and over varchar – because it has distinct name



