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sqlite – 移动设备上的全文搜索?

发布时间:2020-12-12 18:56:41 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我们很快就会着手开发新的移动应用程序.此特定应用程序将用于大量搜索基于文本的字段.整个集团对于什么类型的数据库引擎最适合在移动平台上允许这些类型的搜索的任何建议? 具体包括Windows Mobile 6,我们将使用.Net CF.此外,一些基于文本的字段将在35到500

具体包括Windows Mobile 6,我们将使用.Net CF.此外,一些基于文本的字段将在35到500个字符之间.该设备将以两种不同的方式运行,批量和WiFi.当然,对于WiFi,我们只需向完整的数据库引擎提交请求,只需获取结果即可.这个问题围绕着“批处理”版本,该版本将容纳一个装有闪存/可移动存储卡设备信息的数据库.









public class SmallItem
    private int _sku;
    public int Sku
        get { return _sku; }
        set { _sku = value; }

    // Size of max description size + 1 for null terminator.
    private char[] _description = new char[36];
    public char[] Description
        get { return _description; }
        set { _description = value; }

    public SmallItem()




public static int[] Contains(string[] descriptionTerms,int maxResults,List<SmallItem> itemList)
    // Don't allow more than the maximum allowable results constant.            
    int[] matchingSkus = new int[maxResults];

    // Indexes and counters.
    int matchNumber = 0;
    int currentWord = 0;
    int totalWords = descriptionTerms.Count() - 1;  // - 1 because it will be used with 0 based array indexes

    bool matchedWord;

        /* Character array of character arrays. Each array is a word we want to match.
         * We need the + 1 because totalWords had - 1 (We are setting a size/length here,* so it is not 0 based... we used - 1 on totalWords because it is used for 0
         * based index referencing.)
         * */
        char[][] allWordsToMatch = new char[totalWords + 1][];

        // Character array to hold the current word to match. 
        char[] wordToMatch = new char[36]; // Max allowable word size + null terminator... I just picked 36 to be consistent with max description size.

        // Loop through the original string array or words to match and create the character arrays. 
        for (currentWord = 0; currentWord <= totalWords; currentWord++)
            char[] desc = new char[descriptionTerms[currentWord].Length + 1];
            allWordsToMatch[currentWord] = desc;

        // Offsets for description and filter(word to match) pointers.
        int descriptionOffset = 0,filterOffset = 0;

        // Loop through the list of items trying to find matching words.
        foreach (SmallItem i in itemList)
            // If we have reached our maximum allowable matches,we should stop searching and just return the results.
            if (matchNumber == maxResults)

            // Loop through the "words to match" filter list.
            for (currentWord = 0; currentWord <= totalWords; currentWord++)
                // Reset our match flag and current word to match.
                matchedWord = false;
                wordToMatch = allWordsToMatch[currentWord];

                // Delving into unmanaged code for SCREAMING performance ;)
                    // Pointer to the description of the current item on the list (starting at first char).
                    fixed (char* pdesc = &i.Description[0])
                        // Pointer to the current word we are trying to match (starting at first char).
                        fixed (char* pfilter = &wordToMatch[0])
                            // Reset the description offset.
                            descriptionOffset = 0;

                            // Continue our search on the current word until we hit a null terminator for the char array.
                            while (*(pdesc + descriptionOffset) != '')
                                // We've matched the first character of the word we're trying to match.
                                if (*(pdesc + descriptionOffset) == *pfilter)
                                    // Reset the filter offset.
                                            filterOffset = 0;

                                    /* Keep moving the offsets together while we have consecutive character matches. Once we hit a non-match
                                     * or a null terminator,we need to jump out of this loop.
                                     * */
                                    while (*(pfilter + filterOffset) != '' && *(pfilter + filterOffset) == *(pdesc + descriptionOffset))
                                        // Increase the offsets together to the next character.

                                    // We hit matches all the way to the null terminator. The entire word was a match.
                                    if (*(pfilter + filterOffset) == '')
                                        // If our current word matched is the last word on the match list,we have matched all words.
                                        if (currentWord == totalWords)
                                            // Add the sku as a match.
                                            matchingSkus[matchNumber] = i.Sku.ToString();

                                            /* Break out of this item description. We have matched all needed words and can move to
                                             * the next item.
                                             * */

                                        /* We've matched a word,but still have more words left in our list of words to match.
                                         * Set our match flag to true,which will mean we continue continue to search for the
                                         * next word on the list.
                                         * */
                                         matchedWord = true;

                                // No match on the current character. Move to next one.

                            /* The current word had no match,so no sense in looking for the rest of the words. Break to the
                             * next item description.
                             * */
                             if (!matchedWord)

        // We have our list of matching skus. We'll resize the array and pass it back.
        Array.Resize(ref matchingSkus,matchNumber);
        return matchingSkus;
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Handle the exception





我也尝试过这样做而没有非托管代码并使用String.IndexOf(并尝试过String.Contains ……具有与IndexOf相同的性能).那样慢得多……大约25秒.

我也尝试过使用StreamReader和包含[Sku Number] | [Description]行的文件.代码类似于非托管代码示例.整个扫描过程大约需要15秒.速度不是太差,但不是很好.文件和StreamReader方法比我向您展示的方式有一个优势.该文件可以提前创建.我向您展示的方式需要内存和应用程序启动时加载List的初始时间.对于我们的171,000件商品,这大约需要2分钟.如果你能够在每次应用程序启动时等待初始加载(当然可以在单独的线程上完成),那么以这种方式搜索是最快的方式(我至少找到了).


PS – 感谢Dolch帮助处理一些非托管代码.


