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oracle 如何在group by 的语句中使用rownum,实现分页

发布时间:2020-12-12 16:22:09 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:贴出来一个demo供大家参考 SELECT rownum,a.* from( select shopid as shopId,shopname as shopName,sum(orderqty) as orderNum from pmadw.dm_order_info where orderdate = to_date('2016-05-06','yyyy-MM-dd') and orderdate = to_date('2016-05-13','yyy


SELECT rownum,a.* from( select shopid as shopId,shopname as shopName,sum(orderqty) as orderNum from pmadw.dm_order_info where orderdate >= to_date('2016-05-06','yyyy-MM-dd') and orderdate <= to_date('2016-05-13','yyyy-MM-dd') GROUP BY shopId,shopName ORDER BY SHOPID ) a where rownum < 11


