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发布时间:2020-12-12 16:03:39 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:创建表空间 分配用户权限 /*分为四步 */ /*第1步:创建临时表空间 */ create temporary tablespace user_temp tempfile 'D:oracleoradataOracle9iuser_temp.dbf' size 50 m autoextend on next 50 m maxsize 20480 m extent management local ; /*第2步
创建表空间 分配用户权限
/*分为四步 */
/*第1步:创建临时表空间 */
create temporary tablespace user_temp tempfile 'D:oracleoradataOracle9iuser_temp.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local;  

/*第2步:创建数据表空间 */
create tablespace user_data logging datafile 'D:oracleoradataOracle9iuser_data.dbf' size 50m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local;  

/*第3步:创建用户并指定表空间 */
create user username identified by password default tablespace user_data temporary tablespace user_temp;  

/*第4步:给用户授予权限 */
grant connect,resource,dba to username;
---frist day
create table d_student( --创建学生表
id number(8)
constraint d_s_pk primary key,s_name varchar(20),sex varchar(10)
constraint sex_chk check(sex in ('man','woman')),
dob date

create table d_clazz( --创建班级表
id number(8)
CONSTRAINT d_c_pk PRIMARY KEY,c_name varchar(20)

alter table d_student add 
clazz_id number(8) constraint d_c_dl references d_clazz(id); --添加外键

desc d_clazz;

alter table d_student drop column clazz_id; --删除列

alter table d_student modify s_name varchar(20); --更改列

Truncate table d_clazz; --清空表数据

insert into d_clazz values (3,'三年级');

insert into d_student values(1,'鸣人','man',to_date('2000-08-01','yyyy-MM-dd'),1);
insert into d_student values(2,'佐助',to_date('2000-06-21',1);
insert into d_student values(3,'小樱','woman',to_date('2000-05-13',1);
insert into d_student values(4,'宁次',to_date('1999-11-28',2);
insert into d_student values(5,'小李',to_date('2000-01-01',2);


select * from d_student;

create view d_v_student as select s.id id,s.s_name name,c.C_NAME clazz_name from d_student s left join d_clazz c on s.CLAZZ_ID = c.ID order by s.id --创建视图

select * from d_v_student order by id desc;

create view d_v_clazz as (select a.clazz_id id,c.c_name name,a.s_sum from D_CLAZZ c right join (select clazz_id,count(*) s_sum from d_student s group by s.CLAZZ_ID ) a on c.id = a.clazz_id) with read only; --创建一个班级只读视图

drop view d_v_clazz;

select * from d_v_clazz;

--pl/sql 程序
set serveroutput on
  v_student d_v_student%rowtype;--集合类型
  v_name varchar(20);--标量类型
  v_clazz D_V_STUDENT.CLAZZ_NAME%type;--记录类型
  CURSOR v_students is select * from d_v_student;--游标类型

  select * into v_student from d_v_student where id = 1;
  select name into v_name from d_v_student where id = 1;
  select clazz_name into v_clazz from d_v_student where id = 1;
  open v_students; --打开游标

    fetch v_students into v_student; --遍历数据
-- 游标属性:
-- Cursor_name%FOUND     布尔型属性,当最近一次提取游标操作FETCH成功则为 TRUE,否则为FALSE;
-- Cursor_name%NOTFOUND   布尔型属性,与%FOUND相反;——注意区别于DO_DATA_FOUND(select into抛出异常)
-- Cursor_name%ISOPEN     布尔型属性,当游标已打开时返回 TRUE;
-- Cursor_name%ROWCOUNT   数字型属性,返回已从游标中读取的记录数。
    EXIT WHEN v_students%NOTFOUND; --退出
  end loop;
  close v_students; --关闭游标
--  FOR index_variable IN cursor_name[(value[,value]…)] LOOP
--    -- 游标数据处理代码
set serveroutput on
  v_student d_v_student%rowtype;--集合类型
  CURSOR v_students(i_id number) is select * from d_v_student where id = i_id;
  for v_student in v_students(1) loop
    EXIT WHEN v_students%NOTFOUND; --退出
  end loop;

--分支结构 if/case
set serveroutput on 
  v_student d_student%rowtype;--集合类型
  v_clazz_name D_CLAZZ.C_NAME%type;
  CURSOR v_students is select * from d_student;
  for v_student in v_students loop
    select c_name into v_clazz_name  from d_clazz where id = v_student.clazz_id;
--    使用 if 
    if v_student.sex='man' then
      dbms_output.put_line(v_student.s_name||'性别男 '||'所在班级:'||v_clazz_name);
    elsif v_student.sex='woman' then
      dbms_output.put_line(v_student.s_name||'性别女 '||'所在班级:'||v_clazz_name);
    end if;
--    使用 case    
    case v_student.sex
      when 'woman' then
        dbms_output.put_line(v_student.s_name||'性别女 '||'所在班级:'||v_clazz_name);
      when 'man' then
        dbms_output.put_line(v_student.s_name||'性别男 '||'所在班级:'||v_clazz_name);
    end case;

  end loop;

set serveroutput on 
  v_i int :=1;
  v_sum int :=0;
--  loop
    exit when v_i>10;
    v_sum := v_sum+v_i;
    v_i := v_i+1;
  end loop;
--  for
  v_i := 0;
  v_sum := 0;
  for v_i in 0..10 loop
    v_sum := v_sum+v_i;
  end loop;
--  while
  v_i := 0;
  v_sum := 0;
  while v_i<11 loop
    v_sum := v_sum+v_i;
    v_i := v_i+1;
  end loop;


set serveroutput on
  other EXCEPTION;
  e_clazz exception;
  e_not_clazz exception;
  v_clazz d_student.clazz_id%type;

  v_clazz := &clazz;
  if v_clazz>3 and v_clazz<6 then
    raise e_not_clazz;
  end if;
  insert into d_student values(7,v_clazz);
  if v_clazz>2 then
    raise e_clazz;
  end if;
    when e_not_clazz then
    when e_clazz then
    when other then


--返回自定义游标变量 存在问题
set serveroutput on
  type student_r is record(
    name d_v_student.name%type,clazz_name d_v_student.clazz_name%type
  stu_r student_r;
  type student_cur is ref cursor return student_r;
  stu_cur student_cur;
  if not stu_cur%isopen then
    open stu_cur for select name,clazz_name from d_v_student;
  end if;
--  loop
--    fetch stu_cur into stu_r ;
--    exit when stu_cur%notfound;
--    SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(stu_r.name);
--  end loop;
  colse stu_cur;

---the next day

select * from d_v_student;

--游标表达式 语法 cursor(subquery)
set serveroutput on DECLARE in_id d_v_student.id%type;
  stu d_v_student%rowtype;
  CURSOR stu_c(v_id number) is SELECT * FROM d_v_student where id = v_id;
begin in_id := &stu_id;
  for stu in stu_c(in_id) loop
  end loop;

--游标变量是动态的 它与游标的关系就像一般的类型 与变量一样
--游标在打开时 可以取得不同的游标值(可以看作存放不同值得集合或容器)
set serveroutout on declare type stu_cur is ref cursor;
  stu_r stu_cur;
  stu d_v_student%rowtype;
begin if not stu_r%isopen then open stu_r for select * from d_v_student;--打开游标
  end if;
    fetch stu_r into stu ;
    exit when stu_r%notfound;
  end loop;
  close stu_r;--关闭游标

--1.type ref_type_name is ref cursor [return return_type]
--2.cursor_variable ref_type_name
--3.open cursor_variable for select_statement
set serveroutput on declare type t_stu is RECORD( name varchar(20) );
  v_stu t_stu;
  type t_stu_c is ref cursor return t_stu;--指定返回类型
  v_stu_c t_stu_c;
begin if not v_stu_c%isopen then open v_stu_c for select name from d_v_student ;
  end if;

    fetch v_stu_c into v_stu;
    exit when v_stu_c%notfound;
  end loop;


--s1 student%rowtype; --表记录 (根据现成的表)
--cursor student_sur is select * from student where id = 1 ;
--s2 student_sur%rowtype--游标定义 (根据查询结果生成的表)
--type student_r is record( field_name1 type1);
--s3 student_r;--显示定义 (自定义数据结构)

create procedure d_p_student(v_id d_v_student.id%type) as v_name d_v_student.name%type;
  begin select name into v_name from d_v_student where id = v_id;
  end d_p_student;
call d_p_student(5);
drop procedure d_p_student;
-- 测试成功
create or REPLACE procedure d_p_students(v_id d_v_student.id%type,v_name out d_v_student.name%type) as -- v_name d_v_student.name%type;
  begin select name into v_name from d_v_student where id = v_id;
  end d_p_students;
--variable v_clazz varchar;
variable v_name varchar2(20);
execute   d_p_students(1,:v_name);
print :v_name ;

create or replace function d_f_student(v_id d_v_student.id%type) return d_v_student.name%type as v_name d_v_student.name%type;
  begin select name into v_name from d_v_student where id = v_id;
    return v_name;
  end d_f_student;

set serveroutput on begin SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(d_f_student(1));
drop function d_f_student;

create or replace function d_f_student(v_id d_v_student.id%type,v_clazz out D_V_STUDENT.CLAZZ_NAME%type) return d_v_student.name%type as v_name d_v_student.name%type;
  begin select name,clazz_name into v_name,v_clazz from d_v_student where id = v_id;
    return v_name;
  end d_f_student;

variable v_clazz varchar2(20);
variable v_name varchar2(20);
execute :v_name := d_f_student(1,:v_clazz);
print :v_name :v_clazz;

---Third day

select * from d_clazz;

select * from d_student;

select * from d_v_student;

select * from d_v_clazz;

select * from d_v_teacher;

drop view d_v_student;

create OR REPLACE view d_v_student as select s.id,c.c_name clazz from d_student s left join d_clazz c on s.clazz_id = c.id order by s.id;

create table d_teacher( id number(5) constraint d_t_pk primary key,t_name varchar(20),course varchar(20),salary number(5),clazz_id number(5) constraint d_t_dl references d_clazz(id) );

desc d_student;

insert into d_teacher VALUES (3,'卡卡西1','组长',50,1);
insert into d_student values (6,'天天','woman',to_date('2001-08-09','yyyy-MM-dd'),2);
insert all into d_teacher VALUES (2,'阿凯',2)into d_teacher VALUES (3,2) select * from dual;
delete d_teacher where id = 3;
create or REPLACE view d_v_teacher as select s.id,s.s_name,s.sex,s.dob,a.c_name,a.t_name,a.course,a.salary from d_student s left join (select * from d_teacher t left join d_clazz c on c.id = t.CLAZZ_ID) a on s.clazz_id=a.clazz_id order by id;

drop PROCEDURE d_p_student;

set serveroutput on declare type stu_tab is table of d_v_student%rowtype index by binary_integer;
  v_stus stu_tab;
  v_clazz d_v_student.clazz%type;
  cursor stu_cur is select * from d_v_student where clazz = v_clazz;
  i int :=1;
begin v_clazz := '一年级';
  open stu_cur;
    fetch stu_cur into v_stus(i);
    exit when stu_cur%notfound;
    i := i+1;
  end loop;
  close stu_cur;

set serveroutput on declare type stu_tab is table of varchar(20) index by binary_integer;
  v_stus stu_tab;
  v_clazz d_v_student.clazz%type;
  cursor stu_cur is select name from d_v_student where clazz = v_clazz;
  i int :=1;
begin v_clazz := '一年级';
  open stu_cur;
    fetch stu_cur into v_stus(i);
    exit when stu_cur%notfound;
    i := i+1;
  end loop;
  close stu_cur;


create or replace procedure d_p_student(v_id d_student.id%type,v_name out d_student.s_name%type) as v_student d_student%rowtype;
begin select * into v_student FROM d_student where id = v_id;
-- SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_student.s_name); 
  v_name := v_student.s_name;
end d_p_student;
set serveroutput on variable v_name varchar2(20);
execute d_p_student(1,:v_name);
print :v_name;  

create or replace function d_f_student(v_id d_v_student.id%type,v_clazz out D_V_STUDENT.clazz%type) return d_v_student.name%type as v_name d_v_student.name%type;
  begin select name,clazz into v_name,:v_clazz);
print :v_name :v_clazz;

create or replace function d_f_students(v_id d_v_student.id%type,v_name out d_v_student.name%type) return d_v_student.clazz%type as v_clazz d_v_student.clazz%type;
begin select name,v_clazz from d_v_student where id = v_id;
  return v_clazz;
end d_f_students;

var v_name d_v_student.name%type;
var v_clazz d_v_student.clazz%type;
execute :v_clazz := d_f_students(1,:v_name);
print :v_name :v_clazz;

create or replace package body d_pack_student as function d_f_student(v_id d_v_student.id%type,v_name out d_v_student.name%type) return d_v_student.clazz%type as v_clazz d_v_student.clazz%type;
  begin select name,v_clazz from d_v_student where id = v_id;
    return v_clazz;
  end d_f_student;

  procedure d_p_student(v_id d_student.id%type,v_name out d_student.s_name%type)
    v_student d_student%rowtype;
  begin select * into v_student FROM d_student where id = v_id;
  -- SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_student.s_name); 
    v_name := v_student.s_name;
  end d_p_student;
end d_pack_student;
var v_name d_v_student.name%type;
var v_clazz d_v_student.clazz%type;
execute :v_clazz := d_pack_student.d_f_students(1,:v_name);
print :v_name :v_clazz;

--触发器 (有问题)
createt or replace trigger change_student before insert or update or delete on d_student begin if(to_char(sysdate,'hh24')not between '8' and '17' ) or (to_char(sysydate,'dy','nls date_langudage = american') in ('sat','sun')) then raise_application_error(-20000,'在非法时间不能改变数据); end if; end change_student; /


