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Pandas cx_Oracle使用方法

发布时间:2020-12-12 14:44:39 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:正确安装好cx_oracle之后,要使用它来连接到oracle数据库进行操作,具体应该分3步走: 第一步:导入 cx_Oracle,建立连接 import cx_Oracle #导入模块 db = cx_Oracle.connect('hr','hrpwd','localhost:1521/XE')建立连接,3个参数分开写 特别注意:这里的'l
Oraclecx_OraclePython VARCHAR2
LONG cx_Oracle.STRINGstr CHAR cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR NUMBER cx_Oracle.NUMBER int FLOAT float DATE cx_Oracle.DATETIME datetime.datetime TIMESTAMP cx_Oracle.TIMESTAMP CLOB cx_Oracle.CLOB cx_Oracle.LOB BLOB cx_Oracle.BLOB 带参数的查询: >>> named_params = {'dept_id':50,'sal':1000}
>>> query1 = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE department_id=:dept_id AND salary>:sal',named_params)
>>> query2 = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE department_id=:dept_id AND salary>:sal',dept_id=50,sal=1000) 这种是名字参数,还可以按位置参数: r1 = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM locations
WHERE country_id=:1 AND city=:2',('US','Seattle')) 注意: 当只有一次参数的时候,也要把它写成元组的形式,比如 Cursor.execute(‘select name from user where id=:1’,(login_Id,)) 千万要注意,login_id后面还带有一个逗号,如果没有逗号,他其实就是一个数据对象,但是当他后面有个逗号的时候,他就变成了元组的一个数据项,千万要记住啊,我就是在这里徘徊了很久。! Cursor. Prepare的用法, 这个方法就是在prepare之后,你再去execute的时候,就不用写上sql语句参数了 >>> cursor.prepare('SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE min_salary>:min') >>> r = cursor.execute(None,{'min':1000}) #注意,第一个参数是None, 一次执行多条sql语句 Large insert operations don't require many separate inserts because Python fully supports inserting many rows at once with the cx_Oracle.Cursor.executemany method. Limiting the number of execute operations improves program performance a lot and should be the first thing to think about when writing applications heavy on INSERTs. Let's create a table for a Python module list,this time directly from Python. You will drop it later.
>>> create_table = """<br style="line-height: normal;" />
CREATE TABLE python_modules (<br style="line-height: normal;" />
  module_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,<br style="line-height: normal;" />
  file_path VARCHAR2(300) NOT NULL<br style="line-height: normal;" />
)<br style="line-height: normal;" />
"""<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> from sys import modules<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> cursor.execute(create_table)<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> M = []<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> for m_name,m_info in modules.items():<br style="line-height: normal;" />
...   try:<br style="line-height: normal;" />
...   M.append((m_name,m_info.__file__))<br style="line-height: normal;" />
...   except AttributeError:<br style="line-height: normal;" />
...   pass<br style="line-height: normal;" />
...<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> len(M)<br style="line-height: normal;" />
76<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> cursor.prepare("INSERT INTO python_modules(module_name,file_path) VALUES (:1,:2)")<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> cursor.executemany(None,M)<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> db.commit()<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> r = cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM python_modules")<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> print cursor.fetchone()<br style="line-height: normal;" />
(76,)<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> cursor.execute("DROP TABLE python_modules PURGE")





>>> import cx_Oracle #导入模块
>>> db = cx_Oracle.connect('hr','hrpwd','localhost:1521/XE')建立连接,3个参数分开写 特别注意:这里的'localhost:1521/XE'可以是你oracle net manager配置的链接名,如oracl,我就是在这里耽搁了半天
>>> db1 = cx_Oracle.connect('hr/hrpwd@localhost:1521/XE')建立连接,3个参数连写 >>> dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn('localhost',1521,'XE') >>> print dsn_tns
>>> db2 = cx_Oracle.connect('hr',dsn_tns)
>>> <strong style="line-height: normal;">print db.version</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" /><br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> <strong style="line-height: normal;">versioning = db.version.split('.')</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> <strong style="line-height: normal;">print versioning</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
['10','2','0','1','0']<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> <strong style="line-height: normal;">if versioning[0]=='10':</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
...   <strong style="line-height: normal;">print "Running 10g"</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
... <strong style="line-height: normal;">elif versioning[0]=='9':</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
...   <strong style="line-height: normal;">print "Running 9i"</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
...<br style="line-height: normal;" />
Running 10g<br style="line-height: normal;" />
>>> <strong style="line-height: normal;">print db.dsn</strong><br style="line-height: normal;" />
第二步:建立Cursor光标 >>>cursor = db.cursor() 建立一个cursor 之后,我们可以调用这个cursor.execute(‘SQL‘) 来执行SQL语句。比如: >>>cursor.execute(‘select * from tabs’) 执行完毕以后,可以调用cursor.fetchall()一次取完所有结果,或者cursor.fetchone()一次取一行结果 >>>row=cursor.fetchall() >>>for x in row: For y in x: Print y, Print 这样就可以按照表格的形式打印取得的结果了! 在从oracle取出数据的时候,考虑到它的数据类型了吗?下面就是数据类型的对应表


During the fetch stage,basic Oracle data types get mapped into their Python equivalents. cx_Oracle maintains a separate set of data types that helps in this transition. The Oracle - cx_Oracle - Python mappings are: