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发布时间:2020-12-12 13:26:11 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:Hierarchical Retrieval 层次检索 you should be able to: 1、Interpret the concept of a hierarchical query 2、Create a tree-structured report 3、Format hierarchical data 4、Exclude branches from the tree structure SELECT [LEVEL],column,expr..
Hierarchical Retrieval 层次检索

you should be able to:
1、Interpret the concept of a hierarchical query
2、Create a tree-structured report
3、Format hierarchical data
4、Exclude branches from the tree structure

SELECT [LEVEL],column,expr...
FROM table
[WHERE condition(s)]
[START WITH condition(s)]
[CONNECT BY PRIOR condition(s)] ;

SELECT employee_id,last_name,job_id,manager_id
FROM employees
START WITH employee_id = 101
CONNECT BY PRIOR manager_id = employee_id ;

SELECT last_name||‘ reports to ‘||
PRIOR last_name "Walk Top Down"
FROM employees
START WITH last_name = ‘King‘
CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id ;

select employee_id,manage_id,level
from emp
[可选] where employee_id <>102 裁去102号人
start with employee=100;
connnect by prior employee_id = manage_id;
[可选]and employee_id <> 102; 裁去102号人及以下所有人(tree树结构)

connect by prior 只关心其后紧跟的字段,如果是主键,则从上往下检索,如果是子键,则从下往上检索.

COLUMN org_chart FORMAT A12;
SELECT LPAD(last_name,LENGTH(lastname)+(LEVEL*2)-2,‘‘)
AS org_chart
FROM employees
START WITH first_name=‘Steven‘ AND last_name=‘King‘
CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id=manager_id ;

Pruning Branches


